The Best Air-Purifying Plants and How To Keep Them Alive

air-purifying plants

Plants are a fun, lively addition to any home, but did you know they’re more than just a pretty face? Some plants can reduce stress, improve your productivity, and even clean your home’s air! 


We’ve rounded up our favorite air-purifying plants to make your home feel fresh and clean year-round. And because not everyone has a green thumb, we’ve got some care tips for each plant—because having drooping plants around is just sad.

Peace Lilies

According to NASA, peace lilies are one of the top 3 best houseplants for removing toxins from your household air. They’re also beautiful, but keep in mind that their leaves are toxic to pets, so keep them out of reach if you’re got furry friends around!


How to keep them alive: Peace lilies love a little bit of everything—keep soil moist, not sopping wet, and place them in a well-lit location for maximum flower blooming.

peace lilies

Spider Plants

Ever heard of air plants (otherwise known as the easiest plants to keep alive, ever)? They’re also called spider plants, and they’re great at cleaning up household air. Keep a few around in a hanging basket for optimal air purification.


How to keep them alive: Mist spider plants with water two or three times every week to keep them healthy.

Golden Pothos

This indestructible ivy-like plant can reduce the presence of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and more! If you take care of it, it grows, and grows, and grows, so make sure you have a lot of space for your golden pothos to grow into if you purchase one!


How to keep them alive: Water every week or two when the soil feels dry.

golden pothos


Dracaenas are fun because there are many different varieties—choose your favorite with confidence, knowing you’ll reap the air-purifying benefits of this amazing plant no matter which variety you select!


How to keep them alive: Too much water can drown your dracaena, so only get the soil damp when watering.


Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)

Snake plants are unique because they filter indoor air, even when the sun isn’t shining. Put one in your bedroom for purified air all night long! Just remember that these pretty plants can be harmful to children or pets if eaten, so keep them out of reach of any nibblers.


How to keep them alive: Whatever your home is like, you have the perfect space for a snake plant. Shady? They’ll do fine. Direct sun? They love it! Water them when you notice the soil’s dry—that’s it!

snake plant

Aloe Vera

You probably have a jar of aloe vera ointment somewhere, but did you know this miraculous plant does more than just soothe a sunburn? Aloe vera also filters formaldehyde out of the air while it grows!


How to keep them alive: Place aloe vera in a well-draining pot, so it doesn’t sit in standing moisture after you water it. Remember, it’s a desert plant, so try not to overwater it!

aloe vera

Rubber Plants

Did you know rubber plants (or ficus, as your mom probably calls them) are a type of evergreen tree? These hearty, deep green plants might need to be dusted every now and then to keep them looking fresh, but their extra maintenance comes with extra benefits—they’re beautiful, and they filter carbon monoxide in your home!


How to keep them alive: Easy peasy. Give rubber plants a lot of light and keep the soil moist to thrive.

rubber plants

Areca Palms

Ready for the houseplant that will make your friends think you really have a green thumb? Areca palms’ bamboo-like trunk and bright buds will brighten up any room. While they’re at it, they’ll also eliminate formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene!


How to keep them alive: Give it a lot to drink,  put it by a window, and watch it grow!


Talk about flower power! Mums flowers work to purify the air, but unfortunately, they don’t bloom for very long. If you’re looking for a short-term air-purifying solution, mums are a pretty addition to any home.


How to keep them alive: Damp soil will keep mums blooming as long as possible.


Ready to turn your home into a greenhouse? Enjoy the satisfaction of taking care of something while reaping the benefits of a clean, healthy home.


6 Lifestyle Habits that Cause Premature Aging

premature aging

Do you examine your forehead for wrinkles each night or panic each time a clump of hair falls out in the shower? None of us want to age before our time, but for some people, unwise lifestyle habits may cause wrinkles, uneven skin tone, sagging skin, or hair changes prematurely.

Signs of aging are considered “premature” when they occur before age 35. If you’re noticing changes in your skin or hair, make sure you’re not contributing to premature aging by staying away from these 6 bad habits.


Not only does tanning put you at an increased risk of developing skin cancer, it causes you to age, too! That’s because the sun’s UV rays (including UV light from a tanning bed) actually damage your skin cells. Even if you don’t get sunburned, the sun damages your skin when you spend time outside, which increases the likelihood you’ll develop sun spots and wrinkles.

UV rays damage your hair too—they can cause breakage in the cuticle, the outer layer of hair that protects fragile inner strands. When your hair gets damaged, it may feel brittle or frizzy, and you may develop split ends or dryness.

The best thing to do is avoid sun exposure as much as possible. Try self tanner instead, and use sun protection with SPF whenever you spend time outdoors.

Unhealthy Diet

There are tons of benefits to maintaining a healthy diet, but one is that it keeps your skin looking nourished and youthful! According to some studies, diets high in sugar and carbohydrates can cause the natural aging process to accelerate. 

While the precise effects of diet on aging aren’t exactly clear, choosing a nutritious diet will help you maintain a healthy weight—and that’s always a good idea!


Smoking increases your risk of developing lung cancer and other chronic conditions. Even if you manage to avoid these, it makes you appear older—that’s a lose-lose! Because cigarette smoke exposes your skin to toxins, smoking regularly can make your skin appear wrinkled and dry.

It’s never too late to quit smoking, and when you do, your skin will thank you for it!

Stressful Lifestyle

If you’re constantly stressed about work, your relationship, money, or something else, it might be time to try yoga, journaling, or another method of mindful stress relief. That’s because stress not only feels terrible, it makes you age prematurely, too!

When you’re stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol. Some cortisol in your body is normal, but too much (or too much too often!) can damage the collagen in your skin cells. Collagen keeps your skin looking elastic and plump—damage to it causes unnecessary wrinkles and sagging.

Too Little Sleep

A good night’s rest can be hard to come by, but studies show that sleeping poorly can cause signs of aging to appear on your skin. Your cells need rest to repair damage from the sun, environmental pollutants, and dry air. A full night’s sleep gives your cells the time they need to regenerate before heading back out into the world.

Over Exfoliating

Exfoliating is an important step in any skincare regimen since it clears your pores of buildup and helps remove dead skin cells. But be careful not to overdo it, since over exfoliation can damage healthy skin. Exfoliate once or twice a week (no more!) and, if your skin becomes irritated, try a new method to protect your fragile skin.

With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can nourish your skin and protect it from aging before you do. Give these tips and try and witness your skin become firm, radiant, and glowing over time!

How To Get Over a Bad Mood Fast

get over bad mood

Arguments, disappointments, or failures can all put you in a bad mood, but sometimes you just wake up that way. If you’re struggling to get past a bad mood, try these 6 tips to help you feel better fast.


When you’re in a bad mood, the last thing you want to do is smile. Maybe no one’s ever told you this before, but you can actually smile without feeling happy! Studies show that smiling does have a small effect on your emotions, even if you’re forcing yourself to do it. So next time you’re in a bad mood, just start smiling. Smile at the people you walk by on the street, or your coworkers, or to yourself in the mirror if you have to!


Bad moods can cause us to dwell on negative thoughts. If you know what put you in a bad mood, acknowledging your emotions can help you move on from them. Talk to a friend you trust about your feelings—but be careful not to share your emotions with someone who will judge you or make you feel more frustrated.

Remember, bad feelings are a part of being human. Acknowledge them, but don’t let them define your day.

Focus On Gratitude

When you’re in a bad mood, it’s easy to spiral. Suddenly you went from being frustrated you dropped your dinner to feeling bad about the job you didn’t get last year, and the time your boyfriend cheated on you, and that expensive top you really liked that you spilled wine on… 

Instead of spiraling into negative feelings, try and remember a few things you’re grateful for. Write down 3 good things that happened this week, and try and focus on how those things made you feel. Your mood will start to lift immediately!


There’s nothing like a bad mood to cause you to overindulge on sweets, alcohol, or other unhealthy vices. But these things won’t make you feel better, and they’re often followed by shame once you calm down later. 

Instead, try going for a walk or a jog when you’re in a bad mood. Sunlight and endorphins can work wonders on your mood, and exercising can give you some time to think and gain perspective about what upset you in the first place.


Sometimes, a bad mood can hit without an obvious cause. Maybe you woke up feeling off, or you became sad towards the end of the day. If you’re not sure what’s bugging you, journaling can help clear your mind.

Try writing a few pages without any particular agenda—just record what comes into your head. As the minutes progress, you might get some clarity about what’s really going on in your subconscious mind.

Look at Old Photos

Even though it doesn’t feel like it when you’re in a bad mood, you’ve had some really, really great times over the last few years. Next time you find yourself in a slump, scroll back through old photos taken during experiences you enjoyed. You’ll laugh, you’ll smile, and you’ll get lost in reminiscing without even realizing your bad mood is disappearing along the way.

Getting yourself out of a funk isn’t easy, but you’ll be grateful you did it once you’ve had a chance to reflect. Next time you’re struggling, use these tips to help put things into perspective and regain the joy in your day.

5 Bad Habits That Keep You From Sleeping Well

sleeping well

Sleep works wonders for your health. It keeps you from getting chronic diseases, boosts your mental health, and helps prevent obesity. So if you don’t sleep well at night, what can you do to catch more zzz’s and reap the benefits of a good night’s sleep?

It turns out, many of us have bad habits that may prevent us from sleeping well each night. Avoid these common activities before bed to help you rest easy.

Watching TV in Bed

You probably wouldn’t sleep well with the lights on, right? Well, trying to fall asleep after staring at your phone or the television for hours can have a similar effect. Your brain is not only stimulated by what you’re watching, which can keep you from getting good rest, but it’s also confused by the light. Light tells your brain that it’s time to wake up, so you’ll have a more difficult time falling asleep if you’ve been watching TV or using your laptop or phone before bed.

Instead, implement a new wind-down routine that will help you fall asleep fast. Try reading or journaling about the day before you get into bed. Make a cup of caffeine-free tea or take a warm bath to signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep.

Exercising in the Evening

Regular exercise can help you sleep better, but fitting it in too close to bedtime can make it hard to fall asleep. Try to avoid exercising at least 3 hours before bed unless you’re doing light intensity exercise, like a relaxing yoga flow or a stretching routine.

If you can, exercise in the morning to help you feel energized all day long while preserving the ability to fall asleep fast at night.

Midnight Snacks

Evening TV and snacks just go together—but evening TV, snacks, and a good night of sleep don’t! If you want to help yourself fall asleep, skip the midnight snacks—particularly snacks containing chocolate, since chocolate has a small amount of caffeine. Drinks containing alcohol can also hinder a good night’s sleep, so try to avoid these after dinner.

If you’re really craving an evening snack, try a high-carb option like toast or crackers, since these can release serotonin and help you fall asleep. Warm milk or tea may not help you fall asleep, but they can help you relax, making sleep come easier.

Afternoon Cups of Coffee

For many people, an afternoon cup of coffee is an essential pick me up. However, caffeine from coffee, soda, or energy drinks takes many hours to metabolize—in fact, 4–6 hours after drinking your afternoon cup of joe, you’ve still got half its caffeine in your system! 

If you think caffeine might be keeping you up at night, experiment with how much you drink and when you drink it. For some people particularly sensitive to caffeine, it might be worth giving up entirely to ensure your nighttime sleep isn’t interrupted.

Working At Night

If you regularly leave work with a ton on your to-do list, you might be in the habit of checking your email or knocking a few things off the list before bed. Unfortunately, this habit won’t help you sleep, since stimulating your brain with work can increase stress before bed. You’ll know this is a problem for you if you commonly find yourself struggling with racing thoughts as you try to fall asleep. 

Instead, log off from work at least a few hours before bed each night. If you find yourself still struggling with jumbled thoughts each night, consider journaling or meditating before bed to help calm your mind.

Getting a full night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do to preserve your health. Build a routine of sleep-producing habits to enjoy a good night’s sleep every night.

How To Build a Running Habit Today

build running habits

For non-runners, building a running habit can seem intimidating. But the truth is, it’s just like any habit—by making a routine and sticking to it, you can easily become comfortable running. Over time, you’ll be able to boost your mileage and experience all the amazing benefits of running—weight loss, increased energy, and a rush of endorphins, to start—for yourself. 

Ready to get started building a running habit? Keep these 5 simple tips in mind!

Make Running a Part of Your Routine

If you’re really going to make running a part of your life, it needs to find a place in your weekly routine. Running a few times a month isn’t going to help you get into shape—in fact, it’s probably going to discourage you from continuing to run since your progress will be so slow.

Decide which days you’re going to run each week, and then make a plan to run at the same time each day. If you’re a morning person, commit to getting up early 2–4 times a week to run. If you’re fitting in a jog after work, make a plan to leave work on time.

At first, it may feel uncomfortable to fit running into your routine, but as the weeks progress, it will become an essential part of your weekly rhythm.

Turn Running Into “Me Time”

Do you enjoy podcasts, books, or TV? Depending on whether you run on a treadmill or outdoors, you can indulge in any of these pastimes while you’re running. 

Tune into that trashy reality TV show your boyfriend hates or that true crime podcast you’re obsessed with next time you get geared up to run. The key is to only allow yourself to watch, read, or listen to these things while you run, so the minutes spent running become a treat you look forward to.

Don’t Overdo It

Once you get into shape, it can be tempting to push yourself harder and faster each run. Go easy on yourself, even when you feel good. Remember, you’re trying to build a running habit, not win a race (at least, not at first). If you make yourself miserable by pushing yourself too hard, you won’t want to pick up your shoes again tomorrow.

Jog, don’t sprint, at a pace that allows you to talk. The first mile might feel uncomfortable some days, but push through it to get to the more comfortable middle miles.

Run With A Partner

If you are lucky enough to have a running buddy, make it a routine to meet them for a run every day at a particular time and place. A running partner can keep you motivated on the days you think you’re too tired to exercise. Plus, running is more enjoyable when you can do it with someone you love!

Be Your Own Hype Man

Some days, you’ll finish a run and the endorphins will have you feeling on top of the world. Next time you feel that way, take a video of yourself to remind your future self (who is tired and really, really, really doesn’t feel like running today) how good you’ll feel after you go.

Building a running habit is easy if you stay disciplined and create ways to make it fun for yourself. Now get out and enjoy your run!