Eight Ideas For Relaxing Weekend Activities To Destress & Recharge

relaxing weekend activities

Modern life can be fast-paced, hectic, and stressful. After spending the week finishing to-do lists and meeting deadlines, it’s important to find ways to unwind over the weekend.

When you have time off work and want to recharge, here are some ideas to help you relax: 

1. Read a book

As well as having many other benefits, reading a good book is a fantastic way to escape from reality and relax on your day off. If you find you have some free time, grab a book that’s of interest to you, find a quiet spot and get cozy – then enjoy! 

read book
2. Take a long bath 

Another way to relax on your day off is to take a long soak in the bath. A lot of people are too busy to pamper themselves during the week. At the weekend, you can enjoy the benefits of a warm bath, like getting a night of better sleep, relieving aches, and lowering stress levels.

take a bath
3. Watch a movie

If you’re at home and looking for a way to zone out, watching a movie can be very therapeutic. Whether you prefer romantic movies, comedies, thrillers, action, or something else, watching a great movie is an enjoyable way to fill your weekend. 

watch movie
4. Try out new recipes 

Cooking can be a really fun, creative activity that’s amazing for restoring energy. When you have some time off, it’s an opportunity to take your time and experiment with new recipes and ingredients, and to improve your cooking skills in general. 

new recipes
5. Listen to music

Listening to music can help you recharge, so it’s perfect for times when you want to feel peaceful and calm. Music is known to reduce levels of stress hormones. Whether it’s listening to the radio or your favorite album on Spotify, listening to music has so many benefits.

listen to music
6. Draw or paint 

Being creative is awesome for relieving stress and feeling more at ease. If you can, include a creative activity, like drawing or painting, on your weekend. Even if starting with a blank page seems too hard, there are other options like using an adult coloring book. 

7. Take a yoga class 

If you’re looking for a really relaxing activity, yoga is perfect. Even if you’re a complete beginner, there are loads of classes available. Simply search for some in your local area. Or, you can even take online classes from the comfort of your home.

yoga class
8. Spend Time Outdoors 

Spending all day at a desk or looking at screens can take its toll. So, on your days off, make sure you spend some time outside. It could be going for a hike, visiting a park, or even camping. Whatever the activity, being out in the fresh air can energize you and improve your mood. 

spend time outdoors

How to Save Money Fast: 14 Tips to Grow Your Savings

save money fast

The idea of trying to save more money can seem like a lot of hard work. But it doesn’t need to be. If you want to grow your savings fast, here are some tips for boosting your bank balance: 

1. Start tracking your finances 

The first step for saving more money is to know how much your income and expenditure actually is. If you’re not sure, track these over a month to see how much spare cash you have. 

2. Stick to a budget  

If you’re prone to overspending, make sure you have a budget in place – and stick to it! This will help you be more in control of your money. 

3. Pay off your debts 

Debt repayments can be super-expensive. One of the quickest ways to cut your spending and save more money is to pay off any existing debts, as this reduces your interest payments. 

4. Prioritize saving money 

It’s also important to make saving money a priority in your budget. Every time you get paid, put a percentage or a set amount into a savings account. 

5. Automate your savings

One way to make sure you stick to a savings plan is to set up the payments to go out automatically. Most banks allow you to set up automatic transfers online or via mobile apps. 

6. Automate your bills

As well as automating your savings, automating other bills can also help you save money as you avoid late fees, interest, or any other charges that can be avoided. 

7. Keep any spare change

Spare change can quickly add up. So, instead of spending it, keep it together and pay it in at the bank – you might be surprised at how much it is! 

8. Have a spending limit on your cards

Do you frequently spend too much on your cards? If you do, putting a spending limit on them is a great way to save money by avoiding overspending. 

9. Use envelope budgeting

If you struggle to stick to a budget, the envelope budgeting system is an amazing alternative. Putting physical cash into envelopes for bills and other costs can help you stick to a budget. 

10. Reduce your regular bills 

You can save a lot of money by cutting back on your regular utility bills. Simply write down what you currently pay, and start looking for better deals. 

11. Cancel unused subscriptions 

Another way to save money is to cancel any subscriptions you don’t use. Think about the subscriptions you currently have and how often you use them. 

12. Plan your meals 

Eating out, ordering takeouts, and overspending on groceries can easily blow your budget. To avoid this, make sure you plan out meals in advance and only buy what you need. 

13. Start investing 

Once you have some savings, it’s important to make sure your money is growing. One way to do this is by investing. If you’re a beginner, make sure you research this thoroughly! 

14. Transfer your credit card debt

Lastly, credit card debt can get really expensive. If you can’t pay it off straight away, you can save money by transferring the balance to a lower-interest card.

The 8 Best Investing Books of All Time

best investing books

Whether you’re new to investing or more experienced, the right books can help you get great advice and recommendations from expert investors. 

There are lots of books out there, so here are our favorite investing books: 

1. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

This classic investment book was first published in 1949 and is now one of the most recommended books by well-known figures in the investment world. 

In fact, Warren Buffett has described it as “by far the best book on investing ever written”. 

The author focuses on “value investing”, which means putting safety and long-term returns ahead of getting rich fast, as well as other timeless wisdom for investors. 

2. The Essays Of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America by Lawrence Cunningham

This is another must-read book if you want to understand investments. It contains a collection of letters written by Warren Buffett, including to some of his most successful investors. 

It contains loads of valuable insights into his investment style and strategies, and much more. 

3. Rule #1 by Phil Town

Next on our list is Rule #1 by Phil Town. This book combines modern investment strategies with a more traditional approach to give a step-by-step guide that’s perfect for beginners. 

The author details the top rules that he uses to make money investing, including whether or not to diversify, how to understand the market, and ways to make your portfolio more efficient. 

4. Security Analysis By Benjamin Graham

This is one of the best investment books of all time. It’s sold over a million copies since it was published in 1934 and has been highly influential for many successful investors. 

Warren Buffet, who said he was influenced by this book, describes it on the cover as “a roadmap for investing that I have now been following for 57 years.”

5. Common Stocks And Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher

Phillip Fisher is one of the most respected investors of all time. This book is frequently used by investors today and has helped to shape the views of many experts. 

It contains lots of insights into different aspects of investing, including evaluating earnings, managing portfolios, and understanding the industry. 

6. You Can Be A Stock Market Genius By Joel Greenblatt

This is another highly recommended book that’s had an impact on many great investors. It gives loads of helpful advice for individual investors looking for ways to beat the market. 

7. The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai

The Dhandho Investor is another great book that provides insights on how to become a successful individual investor. The framework is easy-to-understand, but also powerful. 

In the book, the author details the Dhandho method, which expands on the groundbreaking principles of value investing. 

8. One Up On Wall Street by John Rothchild and Peter Lynch

Last but not least, One Up On Wall Street can show you how to “beat the stock market” by understanding how, as an individual investor, you can still gain an advantage over institutions. 

This book provides so much valuable information about investing in stock, as well as a breakdown of all the most important elements of investing.

5 Tips to Help You Start Meditating and Keep Your Practice Going

start meditating

Meditation is amazing for boosting your health and your mood. It’s such an important thing to do for yourself, but it can be hard to get started and keep it going. 

However, the benefits make it worth the effort. Some of these benefits include:

  • Lower stress levels and blood pressure 

  • Less chance of developing anxiety and depression 

  • Improvements in the quality of your sleep 

  • Boosts immune system function 

  • Makes it easier to focus on tasks 

Here are five tips to help you start meditating and keep your practice going: 

1. Make yourself comfortable 

Meditation can be hard to start with, especially if you’re not used to it. So, to make it easier to adjust, you should always start by making yourself feel as comfortable as possible. 

First, choose a room or space that’s calm so you can stay focused. It should be uncluttered, free of distractions, and the right temperature for you. 

 It’s best to sit upright against a wall or on a chair, but if this doesn’t work for you, you can start in another position like lying down. You can also use cushions to feel more comfortable. 

2. Start gradually 

Instead of trying to meditate for long stretches straight away – which is a common reason for people avoiding the practice and giving up quickly – it’s best to start slowly. 

Begin by meditating in manageable time chunks, like a few minutes a day. Then, when you get used to it, you can gradually increase the time. 

3. Be as consistent as possible 

It can be a struggle to maintain a meditation routine over time. But, establishing a routine and being consistent with it will make you much more likely to succeed. 

Set aside a time each day to meditate, like after breakfast or before bed. Then, try to stick to this until it becomes a habit. Be as consistent as possible, and if you do miss a day, don’t see it as an excuse to give up – simply try again! 

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself 

Meditation is a learning curve. Some days might be easier than others, so be kind to yourself. Even if you find yourself getting distracted or feeling uncomfortable, work through it. 

Like anything, it takes practice and it might not work straight away. However, with patience, the rewards make it worth it – emotionally, mentally, and physically. Once you start to feel these benefits, it makes it much easier to stick to the routine! 

5. Manage your expectations 

Daily meditation is a life skill that brings many benefits. But it can take a while to start reaping the rewards, so it’s important to be realistic and manage your expectations. 

Meditation isn’t a quick fix to your problems and, although there might be some immediate benefits, it also involves long-term effort and a commitment. 

Focus on one day at a time. Meditating gives you the chance to get to know your own mind better, but it’s also a long journey!

6 Habits of Successful People

successful people

What separates normal people from high achievers? This is a difficult question to answer. There are many factors involved – intelligence, skills, the right opportunities, luck, and more. 

But, there is one thing that successful people have in common. They cultivate the right habits, and this makes them more efficient and more likely to reach their goals.

Here are 6 habits that can help you reach your full potential and become more successful: 

1. Waking up early 

One thing that highly successful people have in common is that they are early risers. This habit is something that you can easily incorporate into your own life – and it works! 

Waking up earlier gives you more time to plan your activities for the day, exercise, and get focused. It also gives a sense of confidence, which helps you accomplish more during the day. 

2. Networking 

Another habit of high-achieving individuals is that they spend time networking with similar people. This is extremely valuable, as it allows them to exchange ideas and collaborate. 

Communicating with other successful people has a huge impact, as it helps them stay motivated and develop relationships with positive people with the right mindsets. 

3. Being organized 

Being organized can help you achieve more in life. It’s well known that successful people organize themselves, plan, and set goals and priorities to keep themselves focused. 

You can develop habits that will help you stay organized – and it’s really easy to do! For example, you could set weekly or monthly goals and write them down, then break them up into manageable chunks. You can also write a to-do list every evening for the next day. 

4. Avoiding distractions 

To get the most out of your time, it’s important to avoid distractions as much as possible. Successful people know this, and they avoid anything that wastes time, like scrolling Instagram or watching Netflix when they’re supposed to be working. 

Additionally, one of the biggest distractions is online communication. Emails and other online chat tools make it easier to be reached, but this can interrupt your workflow. Make sure you set aside time in your routine to respond to messages, and stick to that. 

5. Self-care 

Successful people know that self-care is essential. When you look after your body and mind, this has a knock-on effect on every other area of your life. 

Make sure you develop healthy habits, like eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. This will keep you energetic and ready to achieve your goals.

6. A positive attitude 

Lastly, having a positive attitude is something that has a huge effect on how successful you are. Expressing daily gratitude and being optimistic can make you more resilient. 

Positive self-talk is also important, as it makes it easier to recognize and build your talents, which increases the chances of you achieving your objectives.

5 Tips on How to Stop Feeling Guilty

stop feeling guilty

Guilt can take a major toll on your mental health. A little guilt can be a good thing as it keeps our behavior in check and stops us from letting people down all the time. 

But, too much self-blame can become a huge burden. Guilt can become a powerful emotion that can be damaging to you, especially if you feel it all the time over minor incidents. 

So, here are 5 ways to stop feeling so guilt-ridden: 

1. Correct your mistakes 

If you do something wrong, instead of beating yourself up about it, take action and try to fix the mistake. This means doing everything you can to put it right, whatever it is. 

For example, if you’ve let someone down, apologize to them and find out if there’s anything you can do to make it up to them. Make a commitment to do whatever it takes, and stick to it. 

2. Forgive yourself 

Holding yourself to high standards is fine. But, you also need to remember that you’re human. No one is perfect, so it’s important to be kind to yourself – forgiveness is key to overcoming guilt. 

Remember, you don’t need to punish yourself forever. Instead, take responsibility for your actions and do everything you can to correct the situation. Then aim to do better in future. 

3. Be objective 

It’s important to put things into perspective. Are you being too hard on yourself? Imagine if a friend or family member was in the same position – would you think they were a terrible person? 

If you’re struggling to be objective about your actions, you can try asking an impartial person what they think. You might be making a bigger deal about something than it actually is. 

4. Prioritize

It’s easy to get caught up in small details and feel guilty about not meeting your obligations. But, if you do this a lot, you need to think about the bigger picture and start prioritizing things. 

Write down what your main priorities are in life – it could be your career, family, health, or something else. The next time you feel guilt about something that’s not on the list, remember that it’s not so important – and definitely not worth a massive guilt trip! 

5. Move forward 

Guilt keeps you stuck in the past. You can overcome it by learning from your mistakes and focusing on the future. Remember your priorities and set some goals to improve your life. 

Explore what you want to do differently in future (if anything), and start planning. Not all mistakes can be fixed. But, you still need to own your choices and move on with your life 

Guilt can be a useless emotion in many cases. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, find a way to use the experience positively and learn, rather than staying unhappy. 

4 Tips on How to Become a Morning Person

become morning person

Is your goal to start waking up earlier? If you’re not naturally a morning person, it can make life more challenging. Most schedules, like work and schools, are better suited to morning people. 

First, what makes someone an early bird or night owl? Our natural sleep-wake cycles are influenced by our circadian rhythm – or our internal body clock. 

This works on a 24-hour daily schedule which varies from person to person. Some people are hardwired to wake up later and they feel most active in the evening or at night. 

It’s okay not to be a morning person, but if you have commitments that mean you have to wake up early, you may need to find ways to shift your natural sleep patterns. 

Here are some habits you can adopt that will help you make your mornings a little brighter. 

1. Have an evening routine (and stick to it) 

The first step to changing your sleep patterns is to develop an evening routine. This promotes better sleep, which makes it much easier to change your sleeping habits later on. 

A routine gives signals and behavioral cues to your brain. When you perform the same activities in the same order each day, you can retrain yourself to sleep earlier. 

Make sure your evenings include calming activities that help you wind down. For example, you can try taking a bath, reading a book, meditating, aromatherapy, or listening to relaxing music. 

You can also ensure your sleeping environment is better for sleeping by creating an environment that is dark and quiet. Invest in comfortable bedding and blackout curtains. 

2. Avoid screen time before bed 

Getting a better night’s sleep makes it easier to wake up in the morning – and it helps you to feel more energetic. To sleep better, you should cut electronics out of your bedtime routine. 

The blue lights in smartphones and other electronics send signals to the brain that can disrupt your sleep. Also, the notifications can be distracting, or could even wake you up at night. 

3. Have a consistent sleep schedule 

Even if you’re not a morning person, you can make it easier to wake up in the morning by having a sleep schedule that’s consistent and not changing it each day. 

A lot of people sleep at different times, and sometimes wake up at different times. Some people also sleep during the day if they’re tired, and this can interrupt a routine. 

Make sure you go to sleep at the same time each day, including the weekends. You should also aim to wake up at the same time and have a regular morning routine.

4. Start gradually shifting your schedule earlier

Once you have a schedule in place, you can start shifting the timings slightly earlier each day. By doing this gradually, you give your body time to adjust to the new routine. 

Try moving your bed and wake-up times by 10 or 15 minutes every few days, and make sure you resist the urge to keep hitting the snooze button (as tempting as it may be!)

How to Make Your Small Kitchen Beautiful

small kitchen

Smaller houses and apartments often have limited kitchen space. But, having limited space doesn’t mean you have to compromise when it comes to style or functionality. 

Even a really tiny kitchen can look gorgeous – if you’re willing to think outside the box and consider more creative solutions to utilize the space you have. 

Here are some design tips to help you make the most of a compact kitchen space: 

Use open storage and shelving 

In a smaller kitchen, one of the biggest problems is fitting in enough storage. Not having enough makes the room feel too cluttered, so it’s important to find space.

One way to do this is by including open storage and shelving. This could only be one wall if there’s limited space, but it can be useful to fit in enough shelves without compromising too much, as it allows you to use the full height of your walls. 

Separate different zones 

Another issue with having a tiny kitchen is that it can be harder to split the room up. If you want a separate dining area, for example, this can be more difficult. 

However, you can still achieve this by creating different zones. You could choose two distinct floor styles to give the appearance of two different spaces, such as a patterned design in one section; or you can use room dividers to create two different sections. 

Space-saving furniture 

When space is at a premium, clever pieces of space-saving furniture can make a huge difference. Furniture that collapses can create more space without giving anything up.

Many smaller kitchens have extendable tables, which can also be used as an island or meal prep area. These can then be folded away when they’re not in use, giving extra room. 

Choose the right color scheme 

Kitchens can sometimes feel chaotic, and smaller kitchens can seem particularly disorganized at times. Picking the right colors can address this and give a more tranquil effect. 

Neutral colors like duck egg blue or cream can make the room seem lighter and airier, especially when combined with white tiles. Green can also have a calming effect, as it’s the color that’s associated with rest and relaxation. 

Add corner storage 

If you have a small kitchen, you’ll understand the importance of making the most of every inch of storage space available. One solution to this is using corner storage. 

This is ideal for tiny kitchens, as it maximizes the space without making the room feel too cluttered or blocking out light, which is common with wall storage. 

Maximize the light in the room 

The key to getting a small kitchen to feel bigger is maximizing the room’s natural light and adding additional lighting when it’s needed. 

Light colors can make the room feel brighter, and make sure you remove anything blocking the light from the windows. You can also add mirrors – either as a backsplash, on cupboards, or on the ceiling. as this opens the space up and allows light to bounce around. 

You can also install high-quality light fixtures. Not only does this have decorative benefits, but it also adds much needed light into the room, which is essential when preparing food or cooking.

10 Things to Do If You’re Feeling Lonely

feeling lonely

Feeling connected to others is essential for our well-being. But, many people have smaller networks now and this can mean more social isolation. 

Being isolated can lead to more loneliness – but it doesn’t necessarily have to. If you’re feeling alone, it’s time to prioritize your own happiness. 

Here are some simple strategies to feel more confident, less lonely, and more connected: 

1. Get a pet

Spending time with animals is a great way to combat loneliness. Not only do they keep you company, interacting with animals is known to boost dopamine in the brain. 

Plus, walking your dog every day or taking a cat to the vet gives you the chance to talk to other people with animals and make new friends. 

2. Take a class

If you’re in the habit of spending time alone, getting out and meeting people can be uncomfortable – but it’s definitely worth it!

Take a class on something you’re interested in. This can help you get out of the house, meet new people, and spend time doing something you love. 

3. Make a schedule 

A lack of structure can make loneliness much worse. So, make sure you have a routine for your day and stick to it. When you feel like your day has a plan and purpose, you’ll feel less lonely. 

4. Go for a walk 

Going out for a walk can beat loneliness. The fresh air and exercise can boost your mood and clear your mind – and, you’re likely to run into people you can have a quick chat with. 

5. Reconnect with friends 

Keeping in touch with people on social media can be helpful. But, sometimes it’s not enough. If you have friends you’ve lost touch with, give them a call or arrange a meetup. 

Getting together with old friends for lunch or grabbing a coffee can make you feel better quickly. 

6. Volunteer

Helping others can bring more meaning to your life, and it’s an amazing way to reduce isolation and feel more connected to people. Find a cause you’re passionate about and try to help out. 

7. Get creative 

Another way to beat loneliness is to keep yourself busy with creative projects. 

Whether it’s painting, music, writing, knitting, or something else, self-expression can help you connect with your emotions and feel more comfortable being alone. 

8. Read a book 

Reading a book can be a good way to improve your mood and to feel less alone, especially if you pick a story that excites you and has powerful characters that boost your confidence. 

9. Take a solo trip

Whether it’s a day trip or months away traveling, taking a trip alone can cure loneliness. A solo adventure gives you time to reflect, visit interesting places, and meet new people.

10. Start a gratitude journal 

Loneliness can lead to more negativity. You can combat this by thinking about all the things you’re thankful for and writing them down in a gratitude journal.

Fun Questions to Get Your Kid Talking

fun questions kid

Have you been looking to connect more with your child? If you’re hoping your child will open up to you, and you’re looking for some inspiration to get them talking, keep reading! We’ve created a list of 10 questions per theme to start the process.


Questions about School 

How aware are you of your child’s relationship with school? Do you know about their relationships with their teacher(s), classmates, and school work? Here are 10 questions about school to dive a little deeper. 

  1. How do you feel about your teacher/classmates?

  2. What’s your favorite part about school?

  3. What or who made you smile today?

  4. What challenged you today?

  5. If you could sit anywhere in class, where would that be?

  6. What’s your favorite part about the weekend?

  7. Do you feel happy/comfortable in school?

  8. Did anything happen today during recess?

  9.  What’s the hardest part about school right now? 

  10. Is anyone making you uncomfortable at school? 

Questions about Friendship, Family & Home

Are you curious about your child’s views on their friendships, family, or home life? Here are 10 questions to learn more about their perspectives and current experiences. 

  1. Can you tell me something about you that you think I might not know?

  2. What makes you feel loved?

  3. What’s your favorite TV show? What makes it so fun to watch?

  4. What’s a memory that makes you happy?

  5. What made you proud today?

  6. What can I do to be a better parent?

  7. What would you do if you made the rules at home?

  8. If you could change any rule, which one would it be?

  9. What makes someone a good friend? 

  10. If a friend asks you to keep a secret that you don’t feel comfortable keeping, what would you do?

Imagination Questions

Are you hoping to spark your child’s imagination and learn more about how they view the world? It can be one of the most fun types of questions to ask a child because they are often extremely curious and creative. Here are 10 questions to get a deeper look into your child’s imagination. 

  1. Imagine you can do whatever you want for an entire day. What would you do?

  2. What makes you happy?

  3. What do you dream about?

  4. If you could make up a new holiday, what would it be?

  5. If you had a secret hideout, where would it be and what would you keep inside it?

  6. If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?

  7. What do you want your life to look like ten years from now?

  8. What is your biggest dream?

  9. How can you show people you care? 

  10. Imagine you could be any animal. What would you be and why?

Remember to leave space after you ask your question, clarifying only after you leave some time for your kid to think. If you don’t leave enough space for them to think and respond, you might be accidentally interrupting or cutting off the response you are looking to receive by asking these questions! And don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries to get them talking–it’s a learning process!