How to Boost Metabolism

boost metabolism

Your metabolism can make a big difference in how easily you can lose weight. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories for energy – the higher it is, the easier it is to lose weight. 


Your metabolism depends on factors like your age, sex, body fat, muscle mass, activity level, and genetics. A lot of it is out of your control. But, there are some things you can do to speed up your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight in the long term. 


Here are 5 ways to boost your metabolism: 

1. Drink more water 

Do you drink enough water? If not, it could be slowing down your metabolism. Try and aim for at least two liters of water everyday. And, if you want the maximum benefits, the water should be cold as it takes more energy for the body. 


Plus, drinking lots of water is good for overall weight loss as it keeps you feeling fuller for longer, so you eat less. It’s also a lot better for you than sugary drinks, which often have a high calorie count. 

drink water

2. Do high-intensity workouts 

Studies have shown that HIIT – or high-intensity interval training – can increase your metabolism a lot more than steady cardio like running or cycling at a continuous speed. 


HIIT exercises use very quick bursts of intense activity. They alternate between low and high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting for one minute and walking for three. 

high-intensity workouts

3. Build muscle mass 

People with more muscle usually have a higher metabolism. This is because it takes more energy to maintain muscles than it does fat. Building and retaining muscle can help you burn more calories, even when resting. 


Make sure you include some strength training into your exercise routine. Some examples include lifting weights or using resistance bands.

muscle mass

4. Have meals at regular times 

Having regular meals and eating more frequently is another way to maintain a healthy metabolism. Going for long periods is common for people trying to lose weight. However, waiting longer to eat means that the body can start to burn calories more slowly. 


This means that you start to store more fat cells, as the metabolism slows down between meals to conserve energy. To avoid this, instead of having big meals, have small, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, no more than a few hours apart.

meals at regular times

5. Eat more protein 

Eating increases your metabolism for a few hours, and foods that contain a lot of protein have the biggest effect on this. It takes more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients in protein than it does for other food types, like carbs and fats. 


A high-protein diet could be one way to boost your metabolism. It’s also helpful for weight loss, as it can make you feel less full and make you less prone to overeating.

eat protein

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