Update Your Home—No Renovation Required!—With These 6 Tips

update interiors

Whether you’re moving into an outdated home or just looking to refresh your current space, there are tons of changes you can make to brighten up your favorite rooms and make your home more cozy. Try these 6 simple tips to redesign your home and make it your own!

Paint, Paint, Paint

There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint to instantly transform any space. And it doesn’t have to be on the walls—painting kitchen cabinets, doors, bathroom tile, or furniture like dressers and sideboards can make a huge difference in the feel of your home. You can even repaint your home’s exterior for a full-on home facelift!

The key with choosing paint colors is to find something cohesive that will blend the rooms of your home together. If you like bold colors, pick a palette of a few favorites that pop in every room. If you’re more neutral, choose a few quiet shades and a subtle accent color to peek throughout your home. You’d be surprised how a crisp white paint can brighten a room or a moody jewel tone can amp up the coziness!

Switch Out Light Fixtures

If your home has any larger fixtures, like chandeliers, vanity lights, or hanging lamps, try switching them out with something new for a fresh, modern vibe. This simple swap is inexpensive, easy, and impactful. Plus, it allows you to infuse your home with some of your personal style and character!

Replace Cabinet Hardware

Old cabinet hardware can instantly date a kitchen or bathroom. But swapping them out with sleeker handles (or going completely hardware-free!) can easily refresh your kitchen or bathroom. Pair new hardware with freshly painted cabinets for a transformative new look!

Get Some New Blinds or Curtains

If you’re stuck with stuffy old curtains or crinkly plastic blinds, it might be time for an upgrade. Install some fresh curtain rods or hooks and buy some light, airy curtains to make your home feel more warm and inviting.

Rethink Your Layout

This life hack costs absolutely nothing, and it’s a fun exercise in creativity! Have you ever thought about changing which room you sleep in? Or moving your couch to a different area of the living room? Even—wait for it!—turning your spare bedroom into a workout space?

There are many ways you can change up your home’s current layout, from swapping rooms to simply shifting around furniture. Without buying a thing, you can create new room combinations that can revive your home.

Recover Your Furniture

OK, this one takes a little sewing know-how, but if you’ve got a knack for DIY projects, it’s a fun one to try! Sewing new covers for old furniture isn’t as complicated as you’d think—really! Just search for a pattern online—and they allow you to completely customize old furniture. Tired of that stained, dirty old tan couch? Liven it up with a fresh fabric cover in your favorite shade.

In Just a Few Days, Your Home Could Feel Totally Different

It doesn’t take much to revitalize an old space. With a few trips to the hardware store, a couple of thoughtful purchases, and a little elbow grease, you can transform your home into a space you adore!

Never Put These 6 Plants In Your Kid’s Room

plants kid's room

We’ve all seen the Instagram-worthy newborn nurseries filled with neutral throw pillows and thriving green plants. But before you go crafting a jungle in your little one’s room, do some research—as it turns out, not all plants are safe to have around children, and some may even be toxic if chewed on by a curious teething baby.


Keep these 6 common house plants out of reach of children for their safety.

Dumb Cane

This common house plant is prized for its spotted green and white leaves, which make it fit beautifully into most homes. Unfortunately, its leaves are more than just pretty—they contain calcium oxalate, which can be dangerous for children if ingested or touched. In small quantities, dumb cane leaves can irritate the skin, but if a large number of leaves are swallowed, it can cause severe stomach upset.

dumb cane


Caladium leaves are recognized by their lovely pink and green heart-shaped leaves. These beautiful leaves should be looked at, but not touched, since they can irritate mucus membranes and cause vomiting.



You might have a philodendron around if you like large, palm-like plants that don’t require much maintenance. While these plants are easy to care for—even for sleep-deprived new parents!—they’re not the best option for families with young children. Consuming philodendron leaves can cause swelling and irritation in the mouth, which can lead to trouble breathing for some kids.


Similar to philodendron, pothos plants should be kept away from kids. Their leaves can cause burning and inflammation in the mouth, which could result in trouble swallowing or breathing. They can also irritate the stomach and can cause vomiting or diarrhea.


English Ivy

English ivy may make the outside of your home look particularly picturesque, but it can wreak havoc on your family members if eaten. These leaves irritate the throat so severely that it can swell from the mouth down. It’s best to keep this plant away from vulnerable children.

english ivy


Oleander is a less common household plant, but it’s worth mentioning because it is extremely poisonous and can cause a slow heart rate and even death if ingested. If you suspect your child has eaten any oleander leaves or flowers, it’s important to take them to the emergency department.

What To Do If Your Child Has Eaten A Poisonous Plant

If you suspect your child has eaten something dangerous, call the poison control hotline immediately. It’s also a good idea to call your child’s doctor and have them evaluated, particularly if they’re showing signs of stomach upset, rash, or swelling.

Keeping Plants Out of the Mouths of Kids

The best way to prevent your child from getting sick from a house plant is to fill your home with safe, non-toxic plants. It’s impossible to keep an eye on your kid every second of the day, so prevention is the best safety strategy.

If you do have dangerous plants at home, move them into a room with a locked door so you can ensure your little one won’t be able to access them.

This list of dangerous plants is not exhaustive, so if you have questions about whether a house plant is safe to put in your little one’s room, do some research before purchasing it. Remember, making thoughtful decisions before you buy will help to avoid accidents in the future!

The Best Air-Purifying Plants and How To Keep Them Alive

air-purifying plants

Plants are a fun, lively addition to any home, but did you know they’re more than just a pretty face? Some plants can reduce stress, improve your productivity, and even clean your home’s air! 


We’ve rounded up our favorite air-purifying plants to make your home feel fresh and clean year-round. And because not everyone has a green thumb, we’ve got some care tips for each plant—because having drooping plants around is just sad.

Peace Lilies

According to NASA, peace lilies are one of the top 3 best houseplants for removing toxins from your household air. They’re also beautiful, but keep in mind that their leaves are toxic to pets, so keep them out of reach if you’re got furry friends around!


How to keep them alive: Peace lilies love a little bit of everything—keep soil moist, not sopping wet, and place them in a well-lit location for maximum flower blooming.

peace lilies

Spider Plants

Ever heard of air plants (otherwise known as the easiest plants to keep alive, ever)? They’re also called spider plants, and they’re great at cleaning up household air. Keep a few around in a hanging basket for optimal air purification.


How to keep them alive: Mist spider plants with water two or three times every week to keep them healthy.

Golden Pothos

This indestructible ivy-like plant can reduce the presence of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and more! If you take care of it, it grows, and grows, and grows, so make sure you have a lot of space for your golden pothos to grow into if you purchase one!


How to keep them alive: Water every week or two when the soil feels dry.

golden pothos


Dracaenas are fun because there are many different varieties—choose your favorite with confidence, knowing you’ll reap the air-purifying benefits of this amazing plant no matter which variety you select!


How to keep them alive: Too much water can drown your dracaena, so only get the soil damp when watering.


Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)

Snake plants are unique because they filter indoor air, even when the sun isn’t shining. Put one in your bedroom for purified air all night long! Just remember that these pretty plants can be harmful to children or pets if eaten, so keep them out of reach of any nibblers.


How to keep them alive: Whatever your home is like, you have the perfect space for a snake plant. Shady? They’ll do fine. Direct sun? They love it! Water them when you notice the soil’s dry—that’s it!

snake plant

Aloe Vera

You probably have a jar of aloe vera ointment somewhere, but did you know this miraculous plant does more than just soothe a sunburn? Aloe vera also filters formaldehyde out of the air while it grows!


How to keep them alive: Place aloe vera in a well-draining pot, so it doesn’t sit in standing moisture after you water it. Remember, it’s a desert plant, so try not to overwater it!

aloe vera

Rubber Plants

Did you know rubber plants (or ficus, as your mom probably calls them) are a type of evergreen tree? These hearty, deep green plants might need to be dusted every now and then to keep them looking fresh, but their extra maintenance comes with extra benefits—they’re beautiful, and they filter carbon monoxide in your home!


How to keep them alive: Easy peasy. Give rubber plants a lot of light and keep the soil moist to thrive.

rubber plants

Areca Palms

Ready for the houseplant that will make your friends think you really have a green thumb? Areca palms’ bamboo-like trunk and bright buds will brighten up any room. While they’re at it, they’ll also eliminate formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene!


How to keep them alive: Give it a lot to drink,  put it by a window, and watch it grow!


Talk about flower power! Mums flowers work to purify the air, but unfortunately, they don’t bloom for very long. If you’re looking for a short-term air-purifying solution, mums are a pretty addition to any home.


How to keep them alive: Damp soil will keep mums blooming as long as possible.


Ready to turn your home into a greenhouse? Enjoy the satisfaction of taking care of something while reaping the benefits of a clean, healthy home.


How to Make Your Small Kitchen Beautiful

small kitchen

Smaller houses and apartments often have limited kitchen space. But, having limited space doesn’t mean you have to compromise when it comes to style or functionality. 

Even a really tiny kitchen can look gorgeous – if you’re willing to think outside the box and consider more creative solutions to utilize the space you have. 

Here are some design tips to help you make the most of a compact kitchen space: 

Use open storage and shelving 

In a smaller kitchen, one of the biggest problems is fitting in enough storage. Not having enough makes the room feel too cluttered, so it’s important to find space.

One way to do this is by including open storage and shelving. This could only be one wall if there’s limited space, but it can be useful to fit in enough shelves without compromising too much, as it allows you to use the full height of your walls. 

Separate different zones 

Another issue with having a tiny kitchen is that it can be harder to split the room up. If you want a separate dining area, for example, this can be more difficult. 

However, you can still achieve this by creating different zones. You could choose two distinct floor styles to give the appearance of two different spaces, such as a patterned design in one section; or you can use room dividers to create two different sections. 

Space-saving furniture 

When space is at a premium, clever pieces of space-saving furniture can make a huge difference. Furniture that collapses can create more space without giving anything up.

Many smaller kitchens have extendable tables, which can also be used as an island or meal prep area. These can then be folded away when they’re not in use, giving extra room. 

Choose the right color scheme 

Kitchens can sometimes feel chaotic, and smaller kitchens can seem particularly disorganized at times. Picking the right colors can address this and give a more tranquil effect. 

Neutral colors like duck egg blue or cream can make the room seem lighter and airier, especially when combined with white tiles. Green can also have a calming effect, as it’s the color that’s associated with rest and relaxation. 

Add corner storage 

If you have a small kitchen, you’ll understand the importance of making the most of every inch of storage space available. One solution to this is using corner storage. 

This is ideal for tiny kitchens, as it maximizes the space without making the room feel too cluttered or blocking out light, which is common with wall storage. 

Maximize the light in the room 

The key to getting a small kitchen to feel bigger is maximizing the room’s natural light and adding additional lighting when it’s needed. 

Light colors can make the room feel brighter, and make sure you remove anything blocking the light from the windows. You can also add mirrors – either as a backsplash, on cupboards, or on the ceiling. as this opens the space up and allows light to bounce around. 

You can also install high-quality light fixtures. Not only does this have decorative benefits, but it also adds much needed light into the room, which is essential when preparing food or cooking.

How to Make a Small Bedroom Look Bigger

bedroom look bigger

Whether you’re trying to save money or simply optimizing your space, many of us are sleeping in teeny tiny bedrooms each night. But having a small bedroom doesn’t mean you have to feel cramped! 

With a few simple tricks, you can maximize your space and trick yourself into thinking you’ve got the biggest bedroom on the block. Try these tips to make your small bedroom look larger. 

Think Vertically

Chances are, you have a lot of unused real estate in the upper half of your bedroom. From picture frames to shelving units to floor-length mirrors, there’s a lot of features you can add to your room to fill this empty space. Even a tall headboard can trick you into thinking your room is larger than it actually is. 

Embrace Furniture on Legs

A lot of midcentury modern furniture rests on small, tapered legs, which allows you to see more of your floor under your furniture. Whether it’s your bed frame, your nightstand, or a desk or side table, showcasing the floor underneath your furniture creates an illusion of depth which makes your room feel bigger.

You could take this a step further and actually loft your bed to really maximize your space. Just try not to make it feel too much like a dorm room!

Keep it Bright

Light-colored walls and decor help your room look more bright, which makes it feel more spacious. Don’t feel pressured to keep everything white if that’s not your style, but avoid mixing too many different colors (especially darker tones) or bold prints, since this will make your room feel more cluttered.

Drop the Drapes

If your room gets any natural light, soak it up! Getting rid of curtains or drapes can help to enhance the brightness of your room. If you’re worried about privacy, try using thin drapes or light-colored curtains that blend into your wall.

Get a Floor-Length Mirror

Mirrors provide an optical illusion that tricks your brain into thinking you actually have a bigger room. Floor length mirrors work better than small ones, since they reflect more of your room. Place your mirror near your window for maximum effect—this enhances both the brightness and depth of your space!

Small Wallpaper Prints or Striped Wallpaper

If you decorate with wallpaper, choose paper with small prints or vertical stripes. Large prints will dwarf your room and make it feel even smaller. Vertical stripes will draw your eyes towards the high ceilings instead of to your cluttered floor space.

Ghost It

Translucent desks or chairs (sometimes called ghost furniture) take up space without really looking like they take up space. Because they’re translucent, your eyes slide right past them when scanning the room. Not only are they stylish, but they open up your small bedroom and make it feel much larger.

Keep It Clean

This goes without being said, but if your floor is cluttered with clothes or magazines, your space is going to feel smaller. You’re a grown up—keep it clean!

Small spaces don’t have to be bare to feel big. By thoughtfully maximizing your living space and using a few simple tips to trick your eyes, your small bedroom can feel spacious while still looking, well, lived in!

Tips for Decorating a Beautiful Bedroom

beautiful bedroom

  1. Choose subtle color

  2. Keep the bedroom simple

  3. Choose the right size furniture

  4. Layer your lighting

  5. Choose your style

  6. Invest in a headboard

  7. Select your bed wisely

  8. Get a rug

  9. Mirrors

  10. Don’t make nightstands an afterthought

  11. Add a reading nook

  12. Add plant & flowers

  13. Add pattern with wallpaper

  14. Invest in the best bedding and throw pillows

  15. Don’t forget to dress your windows

  16. Treat yourself to a scented candle

  17. Add touches of wood

  18. Remember that minimal doesn’t mean boring

9 Most Common Home Decor Blunders You Must Avoid

home decor blunders

When you’re designing your dream home, there are lots of decisions to make. Decorating is a personal thing – you get to pick out colors and furniture you love, and you get to decide how to perfect and finish the space so it works for you. 

However, there are some mistakes that always stand out. So, here are nine things to look out for when you’re decorating our home that should be avoided at all costs. 

1. The wrong sized rug 

Rugs can be a brilliant way to transform a room. A rug can create a focal point and make a room feel much cozier. 

But, it needs to be the right size. Using a rug that’s too small is a big mistake – it should always be big enough to fit all your furniture, including sofa and chair legs. 

2. Painting a room too early 

Choosing paint colors is a huge decision. This means that you should take your time and not choose a final color until you’ve thought about the rest of your decor. 

If you want to have expensive pieces in a room, it’s particularly important to pick these out first before deciding on color schemes. 

3. Curtains that are too long or short 

Curtains come in different lengths, but they shouldn’t be too long or too short. You need to consider the size of the window, and the wall, otherwise it can ruin the look of the room. 

4. Pushing furniture against the walls 

If you’re working with a smaller space, it can be tempting to push all the furniture against the walls to make the room feel bigger. 

Even if the room size makes it difficult, you should avoid doing this, as pulling some pieces of furniture away from the walls usually creates a space that flows better. 

5. Overdoing a theme or trend 

Going for a theme or following a recent trend can make decorating more fun, but people tend to get bored of them or they become outdated really quickly. 

If you want to follow a theme, try to do it in moderation. Instead of making every item fit the theme you like, get a few items that can be replaced if needed. 

6. Relying on overhead lighting too much

Overhead lighting is normally the most popular choice. However, having a combination of different types of lighting tends to make the room look better. 

Try to include a mix of overhead, task, accent, and ambient lighting, ideally using floor or table lamps or wall fixtures to create better illumination in the room. 

7. Hanging artwork too high 

Getting your artwork at the right level is a must. Most people hang it too close to the ceiling when it should be at about eye level. If in doubt, always aim a bit lower instead of too high. 

8. Always choosing style over comfort 

Style matters. But, your room should also be comfortable and livable. Make sure you think about how you’re going to use furniture and accessories so it looks great and serves its purpose. 

9. Dark color schemes in smaller rooms 

When choosing the right decor for a room, it’s essential to consider the size of the room. With a smaller room, darker decor and furniture instantly makes a room feel more cramped. 

In smaller rooms, opting for a lighter finish, like pastel fabrics or light wood furniture, can make the room feel more airy and spacious.

10 Essential Kitchen Appliances

kitchen appliances

Electric kettle

An electric kettle is a staple for your kitchen. Of course, they’re used for hot drinks, but they also have many other uses in cooking and food preparation. Kettles vary greatly in size, capacity, and other features, so it’s important to consider your needs and choose wisely. 

electric kettle


Fridges are vital products in any home, and this means there are tons of factors to consider before making a purchasing decision, including dimensions, special features, finish, and ease of use, and inside layout. Your refrigerator should fit your needs perfectly! 

Juice maker machine

Do you want to drink more fresh juice? If the answer is yes, a home juice maker is a handy way to get a health boost. There are loads of juicers available to suit a range of budgets and needs, and many have a number of impressive features to make your life easier. 

juice maker machine


Blenders are an amazingly versatile kitchen tool that can be used for smoothies, soups, purees, and more. If you’re looking for the best blender, there are many factors to consider, like the ease of use, volume, design, power, speed, and functionality. 

Meat Grinders

Another essential piece of kitchen equipment is a meat grinder. For anyone who loves to cook, these are used to make a variety of dishes, like burgers, meatballs, sausages, and more with loads more flavor than store-bought alternatives. 

meat grinders

Сoffee makers

If you love coffee, adding a coffee maker to your kitchen means you can have a fresh, high-quality cappuccino, macchiato, espresso, mocha, or any other type of coffee at home. There are lots of types to choose from, so make sure you pick the right one for you!

Microwave Ovens

As one of the most convenient kitchen appliances around, a microwave is considered an important kitchen essential. Whether it’s reheating, defrosting, or cooking food in a rush, it makes everything easier – just plug it in and start cooking! 

microwave ovens

Electric Skillets

Electric skillets are often underrated – but they’re incredibly useful kitchen appliances. They can be used for an array of cooking tasks, from frying to griddle cooking. Different models have different features, so make sure you look carefully to find the best one for your needs.

Indoor Grills & Griddles

If you live in an apartment or it’s cold outside, you can still cook on a grill using an indoor version. These are usually small enough to fit on a countertop, and you get amazing results! When picking an indoor grill, make sure you consider the size, heat capabilities, and design.

indoor grills & griddles

Ice Cream Machines

Ice cream is the perfect sweet treat, and now you can make your own delicious ice cream at home with the touch of a button. With loads of brilliant machines available, making the best ice cream possible in your favorite flavor has never been easier!

ice cream machines

How to Choose the Right Lighting

right lighting

Lighting is essential for creating a space that looks great and is functional. It can change the entire feel of the room, making you feel more productive, or more comfortable and relaxed. 


It can also be used to complement your existing decor or accentuate focal points. But, there are lots of different options to choose from. Here’s how to choose the perfect lighting for your home:. 

Choose the right type of lighting 

There are three main types of lighting. These are: 

1. Ambient Lighting

In most rooms, ambient lighting is the main source of light. It puts out an overall glow and can be anything from overhead fixtures to recessed lighting in the most suitable brightness. 

2. Task Lighting

Another type of lighting is task (or directional lighting), which highlights a particular area of the room where a task can be performed – some examples include mirrors or desks. 


Task lights only light up a small area of the room, but they can be in various forms. For example, they could be sitting on a desk or mounted on a wall at whatever angle is needed. 

3. Accent lighting 

The third type of lighting is accent lighting, which is used for decorative purposes or to draw attention to something in the room, like a fireplace or painting. 


Most rooms will include at least two of these types of lighting, with the main source of light coming from overhead ambient lighting. When you’re planning how to light your space, it’s best to start with ambient lighting and then add a task or accent light where needed. 

Think about styling 

Once you know how many lights you need and where they should be positioned, you can start to think about the styling and how they can fit with your decor. 


There are loads of amazing options – from modern to traditional, or farmhouse to cool and chic. Start picking out fixtures to go with your design style. You can mix and match and experiment until you find the right combination to suit the room. 

Pick the perfect light bulbs 

Lastly, the type of lightbulbs you choose can transform a room and change the entire look and feel of your home. There are lots to choose from, but here are some popular options: 

1. LEDs

LED  lights are a bit on the expensive side, but they save energy. These bulbs work best with bright colors and for accent or task lighting. 

2. Incandescent

These provide warm lighting and are the most commonly used bulb for ambient lighting. They can be used for a range of lights, including floor and table lamps and hanging ceiling lights. 

3. Halogen

Halogen bulbs are similar to incandescent ones and they also provide warm light. They typically last longer and have higher energy consumption. 

4. Fluorescent 

Fluorescent lighting is less popular than the other options, but it can still work well in some designs. The color quality isn’t as good and can’t be dimmed, so it provides a cool light. 


These bulbs are better suited for areas that aren’t used as often, like hallways, basements, attics, or garages, but they may also suit some types of decor.

The Best Indoor Plants for Home

indoor plants for home

Bringing different plants into your home is a great way to give a fresher feel and improve the aesthetics of your indoor space. As well as looking pretty, plants are also known to make us feel at ease and relieve anxiety, which is why so many people have them on display. 


Whether you’re looking for something high maintenance or a plant that’s easy to look after, here are some luscious indoor plants to brighten up any room in your home. 

Money Tree

Although this tree won’t actually grow money, according to the Feng Shui belief system, it can bring good luck and positive vibrations to the person that owns it. It’s also believed that it can reduce stress and help improve sleep. 


Money trees are native to South America, so it’s also the perfect plant for you if you want to give your home a tropical feel. 

money tree

Spider Plant 

Chlorophytum – also known as a spider plant is a fast-growing plant that’s easy to look after. It requires weekly watering and, as long as you put it in a well-lit spot, it grows into a beautiful house plant without loads of effort. 


There are several varieties of spider plants to choose from, like Viariegatum, Vittatum, or Lemon – just pick your favorite and put it in a hanging container or pot. 

spider plant

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its health benefits and topical healing properties. But it’s also a very popular house plant that looks great on your bedside table or desk. 


These plants prefer indirect sunlight, making them a fantastic choice for inside. They just need to be watered every one to two weeks to grow their famous green, fleshy leaves.

aloe vera

Dracaena Gold Star

If you’re looking for a large indoor plant that’s not hugely demanding to maintain, a Dracaena Gold Star is the right choice for you. It can easily adapt to different lights and environments. 


Its narrow shape also makes it a versatile choice. Even if you live in a small house or apartment, it won’t take up loads of room and can be kept in tight corners without taking up living space. 

dracaena gold star

Snake Plant 

A Sansevieria, which is more commonly known as a snake plant, is another awesome choice, especially for anyone that doesn’t have much experience looking after plants. 


Not only does it look appealing, but it’s also incredibly low-maintenance. Snake plants are well known for surviving in tough conditions, so they don’t take much upkeep. 

snake plant

Peace Lily 

Another indoor plant to consider is a Peace Lily. This is a gorgeous plant that can brighten up any living space and give it a whole new look. 


This plant grows lilies, and it’s one of the best at removing unwanted toxins – like ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene – from the air while producing oxygen.

peace lily