9 Most Common Home Decor Blunders You Must Avoid

home decor blunders

When you’re designing your dream home, there are lots of decisions to make. Decorating is a personal thing – you get to pick out colors and furniture you love, and you get to decide how to perfect and finish the space so it works for you. 

However, there are some mistakes that always stand out. So, here are nine things to look out for when you’re decorating our home that should be avoided at all costs. 

1. The wrong sized rug 

Rugs can be a brilliant way to transform a room. A rug can create a focal point and make a room feel much cozier. 

But, it needs to be the right size. Using a rug that’s too small is a big mistake – it should always be big enough to fit all your furniture, including sofa and chair legs. 

2. Painting a room too early 

Choosing paint colors is a huge decision. This means that you should take your time and not choose a final color until you’ve thought about the rest of your decor. 

If you want to have expensive pieces in a room, it’s particularly important to pick these out first before deciding on color schemes. 

3. Curtains that are too long or short 

Curtains come in different lengths, but they shouldn’t be too long or too short. You need to consider the size of the window, and the wall, otherwise it can ruin the look of the room. 

4. Pushing furniture against the walls 

If you’re working with a smaller space, it can be tempting to push all the furniture against the walls to make the room feel bigger. 

Even if the room size makes it difficult, you should avoid doing this, as pulling some pieces of furniture away from the walls usually creates a space that flows better. 

5. Overdoing a theme or trend 

Going for a theme or following a recent trend can make decorating more fun, but people tend to get bored of them or they become outdated really quickly. 

If you want to follow a theme, try to do it in moderation. Instead of making every item fit the theme you like, get a few items that can be replaced if needed. 

6. Relying on overhead lighting too much

Overhead lighting is normally the most popular choice. However, having a combination of different types of lighting tends to make the room look better. 

Try to include a mix of overhead, task, accent, and ambient lighting, ideally using floor or table lamps or wall fixtures to create better illumination in the room. 

7. Hanging artwork too high 

Getting your artwork at the right level is a must. Most people hang it too close to the ceiling when it should be at about eye level. If in doubt, always aim a bit lower instead of too high. 

8. Always choosing style over comfort 

Style matters. But, your room should also be comfortable and livable. Make sure you think about how you’re going to use furniture and accessories so it looks great and serves its purpose. 

9. Dark color schemes in smaller rooms 

When choosing the right decor for a room, it’s essential to consider the size of the room. With a smaller room, darker decor and furniture instantly makes a room feel more cramped. 

In smaller rooms, opting for a lighter finish, like pastel fabrics or light wood furniture, can make the room feel more airy and spacious.

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