How To Build a Running Habit Today

build running habits

For non-runners, building a running habit can seem intimidating. But the truth is, it’s just like any habit—by making a routine and sticking to it, you can easily become comfortable running. Over time, you’ll be able to boost your mileage and experience all the amazing benefits of running—weight loss, increased energy, and a rush of endorphins, to start—for yourself. 

Ready to get started building a running habit? Keep these 5 simple tips in mind!

Make Running a Part of Your Routine

If you’re really going to make running a part of your life, it needs to find a place in your weekly routine. Running a few times a month isn’t going to help you get into shape—in fact, it’s probably going to discourage you from continuing to run since your progress will be so slow.

Decide which days you’re going to run each week, and then make a plan to run at the same time each day. If you’re a morning person, commit to getting up early 2–4 times a week to run. If you’re fitting in a jog after work, make a plan to leave work on time.

At first, it may feel uncomfortable to fit running into your routine, but as the weeks progress, it will become an essential part of your weekly rhythm.

Turn Running Into “Me Time”

Do you enjoy podcasts, books, or TV? Depending on whether you run on a treadmill or outdoors, you can indulge in any of these pastimes while you’re running. 

Tune into that trashy reality TV show your boyfriend hates or that true crime podcast you’re obsessed with next time you get geared up to run. The key is to only allow yourself to watch, read, or listen to these things while you run, so the minutes spent running become a treat you look forward to.

Don’t Overdo It

Once you get into shape, it can be tempting to push yourself harder and faster each run. Go easy on yourself, even when you feel good. Remember, you’re trying to build a running habit, not win a race (at least, not at first). If you make yourself miserable by pushing yourself too hard, you won’t want to pick up your shoes again tomorrow.

Jog, don’t sprint, at a pace that allows you to talk. The first mile might feel uncomfortable some days, but push through it to get to the more comfortable middle miles.

Run With A Partner

If you are lucky enough to have a running buddy, make it a routine to meet them for a run every day at a particular time and place. A running partner can keep you motivated on the days you think you’re too tired to exercise. Plus, running is more enjoyable when you can do it with someone you love!

Be Your Own Hype Man

Some days, you’ll finish a run and the endorphins will have you feeling on top of the world. Next time you feel that way, take a video of yourself to remind your future self (who is tired and really, really, really doesn’t feel like running today) how good you’ll feel after you go.

Building a running habit is easy if you stay disciplined and create ways to make it fun for yourself. Now get out and enjoy your run!

5 Tips to Help You Start Meditating and Keep Your Practice Going

start meditating

Meditation is amazing for boosting your health and your mood. It’s such an important thing to do for yourself, but it can be hard to get started and keep it going. 

However, the benefits make it worth the effort. Some of these benefits include:

  • Lower stress levels and blood pressure 

  • Less chance of developing anxiety and depression 

  • Improvements in the quality of your sleep 

  • Boosts immune system function 

  • Makes it easier to focus on tasks 

Here are five tips to help you start meditating and keep your practice going: 

1. Make yourself comfortable 

Meditation can be hard to start with, especially if you’re not used to it. So, to make it easier to adjust, you should always start by making yourself feel as comfortable as possible. 

First, choose a room or space that’s calm so you can stay focused. It should be uncluttered, free of distractions, and the right temperature for you. 

 It’s best to sit upright against a wall or on a chair, but if this doesn’t work for you, you can start in another position like lying down. You can also use cushions to feel more comfortable. 

2. Start gradually 

Instead of trying to meditate for long stretches straight away – which is a common reason for people avoiding the practice and giving up quickly – it’s best to start slowly. 

Begin by meditating in manageable time chunks, like a few minutes a day. Then, when you get used to it, you can gradually increase the time. 

3. Be as consistent as possible 

It can be a struggle to maintain a meditation routine over time. But, establishing a routine and being consistent with it will make you much more likely to succeed. 

Set aside a time each day to meditate, like after breakfast or before bed. Then, try to stick to this until it becomes a habit. Be as consistent as possible, and if you do miss a day, don’t see it as an excuse to give up – simply try again! 

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself 

Meditation is a learning curve. Some days might be easier than others, so be kind to yourself. Even if you find yourself getting distracted or feeling uncomfortable, work through it. 

Like anything, it takes practice and it might not work straight away. However, with patience, the rewards make it worth it – emotionally, mentally, and physically. Once you start to feel these benefits, it makes it much easier to stick to the routine! 

5. Manage your expectations 

Daily meditation is a life skill that brings many benefits. But it can take a while to start reaping the rewards, so it’s important to be realistic and manage your expectations. 

Meditation isn’t a quick fix to your problems and, although there might be some immediate benefits, it also involves long-term effort and a commitment. 

Focus on one day at a time. Meditating gives you the chance to get to know your own mind better, but it’s also a long journey!

How to Stay Fit & Healthy Even if You Are Lazy 

staying fit

Are you interested in stepping up your fitness game but don’t have a lot of time and energy to invest? Creating a new fitness routine can be confusing and draining, but it doesn’t have to be! If you’re feeling lazy, and you don’t have a lot of time, we’ve curated a list with our top 5 tips for you to get started on your health journey today!

       1. Try an at-home workout!

From yoga to Zumba, a huge variety of at-home workouts popped up during the pandemic, and they’re the perfect replacement for those who don’t want to go to the gym. If you don’t know where to start, you can search for individual virtual events on Eventbrite, or subscribe to an online workout library and play workout videos on demand. 

        2. Get more sleep 

While easier said than done, getting at least eight hours of sleep a night can have great health benefits, including increased attention span, energy, reduced stress, and heightened immunity. A good night’s sleep also helps us to navigate the day and overcome challenges, while maintaining more control over our mood and actions. If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, a few basic ideas you can try are reducing all screens and bright lights one to three hours before bed, reading or journaling before bed, trying lavender or chamomile tea and scents, and making sure to get some time outdoors in the sun each morning when you wake up. 

          3. Take 5-10 minute exercise breaks

If you work remotely, consider taking short 5-10 minute breaks throughout the day to stretch or do other short exercises instead of staying seated at your desk for hours. Even if you don’t work remotely, you can still practice this by pairing exercise with a typically static activity. A few examples are stretching in the shower and doing squats or other exercises while watching tv (another favorite: watching tv as you clean your room or put laundry away). 

           4. “Take the stairs”

While suggesting that you take the stairs is a total cliche, it is really valuable to try to look for healthier swaps to your normal routine. For example, if you usually Uber home from work, but it’s possible to walk or take the bus, try to switch it up sometimes to get your body moving a little more. You can also try going for a short walk during your lunch break and swapping out an abundance of junk food for a moderation of different types of food, including vegetables and fruits. 

           5. Pair new changes with old habits

It can be difficult to follow through with a new fitness routine, but you’ve got this! When making any of these changes, just keep in mind that it’s best not to try to make too many changes at one time. Try pairing each change with a preexisting habit because research suggests this makes it easier to remember and follow through. 

And remember, be patient with yourself! Change doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s totally natural to fall back into old habits or forget new commitments. The important thing is making a commitment to your health goals and trying your best to follow through. What do you think of these tips? Leave a comment below and let us know!

How to Find Motivation to Exercise

motivation to exercise

We all know the benefits of exercise—weight loss, increased energy, and decreased stress, to name a few—but staying motivated to stick with it can feel impossible. How do we make time for exercise without dreading it every day? Try these tips to maintain your motivation to exercise.

Set Goals

For some people, setting goals (and watching yourself achieve them!) is really motivating. It can be something as small as walking 20 minutes a day or getting up and stretching before work 5 times a week. Start with something that’s measurable and achievable. Once you’ve grown comfortable with your initial goal, consider setting a new, slightly more difficult one. 

Don’t put pressure on yourself to constantly be raising the stakes—this can cause you to get burned out. Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, so try and build up to at least that much weekly exercise.

Play a Sport

When you were a kid, you probably never really thought about exercise. That’s because you got all the exercise you needed by playing! Turns out chasing someone during tag on the playground and taking ballet class in the evenings was for more than just fun.

If sports are still your jam, consider joining an adult league to spice up your exercise routine. Find ways to work out that don’t feel like exercise—maybe you can get together with some friends and shoot hoops a few times a week or join a recreational softball league.

Make Exercise Part of Your Routine

If you think of exercise as an optional part of the day, it’s easy to skip it when you feel tired, busy, or just plain unmotivated. But what if it was as important a part of your day as eating breakfast or going to work?

Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, so let’s start treating it as essential. Find a time during the day when you can go for a walk or swing by the gym. Remember, 150 minutes a week (or 20–30 minutes a day) is all you need!

Invite Friends

What if exercise could become a time to socialize with friends? If you workout with others, whether you’re going for a bike ride or playing pickleball, you hit two birds with one stone. Exercising with friends also builds accountability, since your friends are depending on you to keep your commitments.

Don’t Be Rigid

It’s important to build exercise into your routine, but it’s equally important to allow for flexibility. Like it or not, things are going to come up. For some people, one slip up in their routine due to sickness or parent teacher conferences can derail their whole exercise regimen.

Instead, focus on getting back on track as soon as possible. Recognize that missing one or two workouts isn’t going to set you back to the beginning, but it’s also not going to get you to your goals as quickly. Focus on the end goal, and you’ll find the motivation to get going again.

Think of it as “Me” Time

There’s a lot you can do while exercising, depending on how you do it—you can talk on the phone, read, watch TV, or listen to music or a podcast, for example. What’s your guilty pleasure, and how can you indulge in it while exercising?

In one study, people who were given a free, page-turning audiobook and only allowed to listen to it at the gym exercised 51% more often than others. Thinking about exercise as your chance to indulge in “me” time instead of as a chore can help turn it into something you actually look forward to doing!

Finding motivation to exercise isn’t easy, and we’ll all struggle with it at some point. By recognizing it and adapting our routines, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Hiking Tips for Beginners


  1. Plan ahead, and check the weather

  2. Find a hiking partner

  3. Pick hiking gear

  4. Stay prepared by bringing the essentials

  5. Download a map in advance (for offline use)

  6. Make sure you have the proper amount of food and water

  7. Choose the right shoe/sock combo

  8. Tell someone where you will be

  9. Dress for success

  10. Remember to pace yourself

  11. Don’t fear getting lost

  12. Learn hiking etiquette

  13. Always carry a source of light

  14. Start the hike with the right mindset

  15. Know hazards of the area

  16. Take lots of breaks

  17. Leave no trace

  18. Leave home early in the morning 

How to Practice Yoga at Home as a Beginner

yoga at home

Yoga has dozens of benefits, including strengthening your body, reducing stress, and improving your balance. While it is often done in a class setting, it is easy to do at home because it doesn’t require any special equipment.

If you’re a beginner looking to practice yoga at home, don’t be intimidated by all the different methods, clothing, and gear out there. Find a free hour and a quiet space and follow these 5 tips to become a yoga pro in no time.

Tip 1: Get Familiar with Basic Yoga Poses

You’ve probably heard of downward-facing dog or child’s pose, but what do those poses actually look like? Before watching any classes online, familiarize yourself with some of the most common poses.

Yoga classes can feel fast as you transition from one pose to the next. Knowing the poses ahead of time can increase your confidence and comfort during an online or in-person class.

Additionally, doing yoga at home means there’s no instructor to correct your form. Performing poses incorrectly can lead to injury, so it’s important to study and practice the basic poses prior to taking a class, even in an online setting.

Tip 2: Use a Yoga Mat

While there’s no required equipment to do yoga at home, mats will increase your comfort and stability. Because mats have a non-slip surface, they help you balance without slipping, even when you get sweaty.

Depending on the pose, different parts of your body support your weight. Using a mat ensures your back, feet, hips, chest, and hands remain supported throughout your exercise.

Tip 3: Remember to Breathe

Today, yoga is considered a great workout, but it began as a meditative and calming practice. In order to reap the greatest benefit from yoga, you must consider it to be a physical and mental exercise. You might notice that instructors frequently instruct participants to breathe—that’s because steady breathing supports both the physical and mental functions of yoga.

When practicing yoga at home, it’s important to take long, steady, calming breaths as you move through the poses. Without an instructor to remind you, it can be easy to rush through the exercises. 

Tip 4: Try Different Types of Yoga

There are many different types of yoga, and depending on your age, physical capabilities, and personality, a certain type may be more enjoyable. If you give it a shot and don’t find yourself particularly satisfied or rejuvenated, it’s worth trying out a different type before giving up on the practice entirely.

Some popular types of yoga include hatha (great for beginners), vinyasa (more fast-paced for energetic yogis), and restorative (for a more restful experience).

5. Establish a Routine

Yoga is not a one-and-done activity. In order to fully experience its mental and physical benefits, it’s essential to establish a weekly routine. Ideally, it should be practiced at least three times a week.

If you are just beginning to practice yoga at home, try and commit to performing it three times a week for at least one month. You’ll gain strength and confidence as you determine whether it is the right mental and physical exercise for you.

Practicing yoga at home is a fun, restorative way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Learning how to practice yoga at home as a beginner doesn’t need to be difficult—by keeping an open mind and being willing to laugh and learn, you’ll quickly grow in your abilities and will soon see the benefits of this ancient practice.

Surprising Benefits of CrossFit That Will Convince You to Give It a Try

There are lots of workouts that help you burn a ton of calories and gain muscle strength. But CrossFit’s benefits extend beyond those of a typical exercise routine. Check out these surprising CrossFit benefits to see if it’s worth giving this cult workout a shot.

You Develop Different Muscles Every Day

Let’s face it—it’s tough to build variety into your everyday workout. Unless you have a background in exercise science, you probably don’t even really know what muscles are being activated during your workouts. So how do you get full-body fitness?

CrossFit does the heavy lifting for you (pun intended) by creating a workout of the day. This routine targets different muscle groups, so you can get a well-rounded workout without investing in a ton of equipment.

You’ll Improve Your Flexibility and Balance

If your current exercise routine consists of running every day, you’re probably not doing much to increase your flexibility. Even if you mix it up with strength training, you’re not really increasing your mobility since the movements involved in weightlifting don’t typically mimic everyday motion.

CrossFit improves flexibility and balance by focusing on functional exercises, like squats, that you actually do on a day-to-day basis. By priming these muscle groups for continuous exercise, it improves functionality in your daily life.

You’ll Make Friends

CrossFit is more than just a gym or a workout, it’s a community. In fact, there’s actual scientific research that CrossFit provides a greater sense of community and motivation than other exercise practices.

Not only are you immersing yourself in a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, but you’re surrounded by individuals that all share a similar goal—to be healthy. 

You’ll Actually Have Fun (!) Working Out Again

Do you work out because you have to or because you want to? Most of us fall into the first camp, but CrossFit is so quirky, it will actually make you enjoy working out! Think about it—how fun does it sound to learn how to do a handstand again? 

With CrossFit, you do some exercises reminiscent of an elementary school gym class (be honest—have you done a pull up since then?) that can feel goofy and just plain fun. Best of all, you’re pushing yourself alongside friends!

You Can See Actual Results

If you have a hard time gauging progress with your current exercise routine, it can be hard to stick with it. After all, tangible results are super motivating! CrossFit has benchmark workout routines so you can test yourself week after week and measure your progress.

You’ll be amazed at how good it feels to look back on the beginning of your CrossFit journey!

You Get More Time To Do Things Besides Work Out

You burn more calories faster in CrossFit compared to other moderate-intensity workouts. Most CrossFit workouts are actually only 15 to 20 minutes long, but burn as many calories as moderate-intensity workouts that are 40% longer. So if you’re one of those people that thinks you don’t have time to exercise, CrossFit might be a great choice.

CrossFit has a cult following for a reason. Not only can it get you into the best shape of your life, it comes with a built-in community. Check out some of these awesome CrossFit benefits for yourself by joining your local box (a CrossFit gym) today.