Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Fast

fall asleep fast

Sleep troubles got you…up? For people who struggle to fall asleep at night, crisp linen sheets and dim lights are anything but relaxing.

Sleep struggles compound upon one another—if you struggle to fall asleep, then you become anxious about falling asleep, which makes it harder to get the zzz’s you need. Next time you’re laying in bed staring at the ceiling, try one of these tips to help you fall asleep in minutes.

Tip #1: Check Out a Tried-and-True Method

There are a couple different tactics recommended by doctors for people struggling with clinical insomnia. While these methods may take a while to perfect, over time they can help you fall asleep in 2 minutes or less.

The Military Method

The military method was developed by the U.S. Navy to help pilots fall asleep even when sitting up. To start, relax your entire face. Let the relaxation slip down your body from your shoulders, to your chest, down your legs. 

Once you’re relaxed, visualize a relaxing scene and imagine being there. If you haven’t fallen asleep yet, think the words “don’t think” to yourself over and over again. Within 10 seconds you should be sleeping!

The 4-7-8 Method

The 4-7-8 method is based on yoga techniques. It’s designed to help calm anxiety, so you can fall asleep fast. Start by relaxing your tongue behind your front teeth on the roof of your mouth. Breathe out through your mouth until your lungs are empty. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7, and exhale for 8.

Repeat the process at least 4 times to enter a state of calm.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation isn’t exactly what it sounds like. Yes, you do relax your muscles, but you tense them first before progressively releasing the tension.

Starting with your eyebrows, tense the muscles for 5 seconds, then relax and wait 10 seconds. Do the same with your mouth, eyes, neck, arms, chest, thighs, and feet.

Tip #2: Practice Relaxation Visualization

Think of a calm place. Picture the scenery as well as how you feel in that place. Focus on your feelings and you’ll find yourself nodding off in no time.

Tip #3: Tell Yourself To Stay Awake

Turns out we all have a bit of a rebellious streak! Try laying in bed and telling yourself you have to stay awake. In spite of yourself, you’ll fall asleep!

Tip #4: Do Some Gentle Yoga

Moving through a few yoga poses before bed can calm your brain and relax your muscles. Choose 4–5 gentle poses, like child’s pose or happy baby, and flow through them for 10–15 minutes before bedtime.

Tip #5: Take a Warm Shower

There’s nothing like a warm shower or bath to relax your mind and muscles before bed. Try not to think about the day, just focus on experiencing the warm water relaxing your body.

Tip #6: Plug in a White Noise Machine

If traffic or other nighttime noises are keeping you up, plug in a white noise machine or a fan for a quiet, calming hum. A fan can also help keep you cool overnight, since a warm bed can actually keep you up instead of helping you rest.

Tip #7: Turn Your Phone Off

An hour before bed, turn your phone off or put it away. The visual stimulation from blue light as well as the mental stimulation of social media, email, or texting with friends can keep you up.

Tip #8: Meditate

Don’t let this tip intimidate you—meditation could be as simple as writing a page in a journal or slowly breathing in and out with your eyes closed for a minute or two. Like yoga, meditation helps to decrease anxiety and gives your mind freedom from the stressors of the day.

If you’re still awake at the end of all this talk about calming scenery and deep breathing techniques, then you really must have some sleep struggles! Try one (or several!) of these proven methods next time your thoughts are keeping you up to help you fall asleep fast.

Tip #9: Make sure your bed is comfortable 

Investing in a comfortable bed is another way to fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. Make sure you buy a supportive mattress and pillows, and the right bedding. 

Cotton bedding is the best option if you want to stay cool, as it’s breathable and draws moisture away from the body. Or, if you’re prone to feeling cold, a warmer option like wool is better. 

Tip #10: Cut back on caffeine and alcohol 


If you’re struggling to fall asleep, it might be because you’re consuming too much caffeine or alcohol – especially if you’re having them later in the evening. 

It’s best to avoid caffeine for about four hours before going to bed, as it’s a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep patterns and make you feel more awake. 

Alcohol can also have an adverse effect, as it can make you feel restless or induce sweating or nausea, and this can make it harder to fall asleep. 

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