Great Ways to Start a Family Tradition

family tradition

Traditions are a great way to deepen family bonds. Creating fun, recurring special family customs will help your family create meaningful memories and strengthen your family’s relationship. Not only will starting traditions help keep your family together, but they can also be a fun way to break up the monotony of daily life. Here are some suggestions for how to start family traditions, as well as some suggestions as to what these traditions could be! 

Daily Thanks

Try asking everyone sitting around your dinner table what they are thankful for each night. The answers will give you insights into what is going on in the lives of your loved ones as well as stimulate conversation on what matters to each member of your family. 

Themed Meal Nights

Picking a night or two each month to serve different kinds of foods is a fun way to teach your loved ones about other cultures, or bring meals and drinks that your family has seen in movies or in books to life. These dinners can be made even more fun by encouraging your partner and children to help you cook, and playing music related to the theme night.

Show and Tell Nights

One fun way to help your family get to know each other better is to take things back to primary school on a monthly or annual basis. You can ask each of your loved ones to select an item that is meaningful to them and then take turns telling the family about what they chose. This can help you keep up with the ever-changing interests of your children as well as show each member of your family that the family is interested in the things that they care about.

Plan a monthly parent and child day

The best way to build relationships is one-on-one. There is no better, more intimate way to get to know someone than to spend a day together. Taking the time to do something individually with your children will create priceless memories and show your kids that you are invested in them. Spending the day with your children and listening to them will help them feel more comfortable with you and open up more areas of dialogue that will be invaluable as they get older. 

Volunteer together

Performing a service project with your family is a great way to both bond and give back to your community. Not only will you be spending time with your loved ones, but you’ll be teaching them important lessons about generosity and the world in which they live. Volunteering together is a great way to instill meaningful family values and create lasting memories. 

See something on the list you like? Family traditions are a great way to promote your values and create a happy and healthy family dynamic. It’s easy to fall into a routine, and adding new habits can seem overwhelming. It’s never too late to begin a new tradition with your kid, so take the leap today!

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