Tips for Moving Out for the First Time

moving out

  1. Get your finances in order

  2. Nail down a steady job

  3. Find a suitable place to live

  4. Create a schedule of chores

  5. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents for help

  6. Be prepared to lower your expectations when viewing places

  7. Double-check the natural lighting, phone service, and outlet situation, especially if you’re someone who works from home

  8. If you’re choosing not to live alone or can’t afford it, pick your roommates wisely

  9. Declutter all your belongings before you start to pack

  10. Don’t feel like you have to buy everything you need before you move in — especially when it comes to furniture

  11. Prepare a bag or suitcase of things you’ll need in the first 24 hours

  12. Clean your space once a week

  13. Store important documents, like receipts and tax information, in a file organiser

  14. Keep a drawer of healthy snacks

  15. Make a monthly budget for groceries and going out

  16. Keep a calendar

  17. Once you move in, take photos of any issues and email them to your landlord

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