26 Reasons To Throw a Party

  1. Birthdays

  2. Calendar events

  3. New job or retirement

  4. Wedding anniversaries

  5. To say “Welcome Home”

  6. Wine tasting

  7. Neighbor welcoming

  8. You mastered a new recipe

  9. Summer is finally over and the weather is finally cooling down. Cue the backyard dinner party!

  10. It’s football season, baby! Get out the chips and dip.

  11. You got new pillows at HomeGoods and you need to show them off.

  12. The kids are finally in school again! Time to kick-back and relax with friends.

  13. You’re about to move away and want to say goodbye to all your family and friends with a killer soirée!

  14. You’re engaged!

  15. You’re preggers

  16. You need to clean out your closet

  17. Sport events

  18. It’s Friday. Or Saturday. Or Tuesday. Whatever day it is, you’re craving some actual face time with the people you love most.

  19. Your sibling or friend wants to introduce you to their new significant other.

  20. You just got back from an amazing vacation and want to re-create some of the cuisines you tasted while traveling.

  21. An old friend you haven’t seen in forever is in town.

  22. Your first wine club shipment has arrived, and you want to attempt a few wine pairings, a la Martha Stewart’s pairing tips.

  23. You’ve taken a cocktail-making class and are eager to show off your new skills as a bartender.

  24. Reality show watch party

  25. Gorgeous weather

  26. Mercury is finally NOT in retrograde! Time to celebrate!

15 Tips to Make New Friends

  1. Join group

  2. Say nice things about other people

  3. Make friends with friends-of-friends

  4. Be aware of cultural differences

  5. Take initiative 

  6. Be a good listener

  7. Stay in touch

  8. Increase your self-confidence

  9. Be aware of your body language

  10. Don’t be aggressive

  11. Join social networks

  12. Classmates or colleagues are potential besties

  13. Be yourself

  14. Ask questions

  15. Be positive