Ways To Support Your Immune Strength

immune strength

A strong immune system can help you stay healthy and fight off infections and viruses, which is particularly important during the winter months. 


Here are five ways to boost your immune strength: 

1. Eat a healthy diet 

Having a healthy diet is key to building and maintaining a strong immune system. Your body needs the right amount of nutrients to function, and you should aim to eat a diet that’s balanced and that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. 


In addition to this, you should also make sure you’re getting enough of certain nutrients. You can also consider taking a supplement in some of them if you can’t get them from food. 


Some of the most important nutrients for your immune system are: 

  • Vitamin C – sources include citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach 

  • Vitamin E – found in sunflower seeds, peanut butter, spinach, and peanut butter

  • Vitamin D – this is mostly produced by exposure to sunlight. Other sources include oily fish, egg yolks, red meat,  fortified foods like cereals, and supplements. 

  • Vitamin B6 – sources include chicken, tuna, salmon, bananas, and green vegetables.

  • Zinc – found in meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, and whole grains.  

healthy diet

2. Drink enough water 

As well as eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated can also make a big difference to your overall health, including supporting your immune system and fighting off infections and viruses. 


It’s being hydrated slows your immune system down. Even if you’re not exercising, your body is always losing water, and you should make sure your daily fluid intake is enough to replace this throughout the day. You should aim for at least two liters every day to stay healthy.

3. Manage your stress

Studies show that stress can have a huge effect on how well the immune system works. During periods of stress, our bodies suppress our immune function as part of our natural response. 


This affects people suffering from chronic stress over long periods even more, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress like meditation, breathing exercises, or other methods.

4. Make sure you exercise 

Not only is exercise great for managing stress and feeling happier, but it’s also fantastic for supporting your physical health and keeping your immune system healthy. 


Exercise boosts your circulation, and this makes it easier for your immune cells to function. Even just 30 minutes a day of exercise could help your immune system. Whether it’s walking, swimming, jogging, team sports, or something else, make sure you work it into your routine!

5. Get enough sleep 

Sleep is when our bodies rest and recover. It’s also when the cells that fight infections are created. This means that it’s important to get plenty of sleep each night to stay healthy. 


People that don’t get enough quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to viruses, and it tends to take them longer to recover. 


If you’re not getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night, it’s time to change your routine to get a better night’s sleep and allow your immune system to get stronger.

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