9 Midnight Snack Foods To Help You Fall Asleep

foods help asleep

We’ve all heard about foods and drinks that make it hard to fall asleep—caffeine, alcohol, and sugar included. But did you know that some foods can actually help you catch some zzz’s? If you regularly struggle to fall asleep, try snacking on one of these sleep superfoods before bed to see if they help you get some much-needed shuteye!


Ah, the source of the famous post-American-Thanksgiving snooze. Turkey is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid which helps produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. Additionally, some studies indicate that eating protein before bed can help you to sleep better. 


Chamomile Tea

This common sleep remedy isn’t just an old-wives tale—it’s actually proven to help with sleep! Chamomile tea contains apigenin, an antioxidant that can help you sleep. Additionally, drinking anything warm before bed—milk, tea, or even warm water—can promote feelings of calm and comfort, making it easier to fall asleep.

chamomile tea


Eating fruit before bed might sound strange, but in the case of kiwi, the benefits outweigh the weirdness. Kiwis are rich in the chemical serotonin, which helps to regulate sleep. In one study, people that ate kiwi before bed fell asleep 42% faster than those who didn’t.

Tart Cherries

Since we’re on the fruit train, why not try tart cherries before bed? They’re another melatonin-heavy food and can regulate your circadian rhythm. If you’re not into eating a handful of cherries late at night, you can simply drink their juice instead.


Salmon before bed sounds gross, right? Thankfully, you don’t have to eat it minutes before your head hits the pillow to get the benefit. Salmon and other fatty fish contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which can regulate your body’s natural serotonin levels and improve sleep.


Almonds also promote melatonin, which can help improve sleep quality. They also contain magnesium, which can help reduce insomnia, and they reduce stress hormones, making sleep more restful.



Ever feel like a midnight snack with a little crunch? Turns out lettuce is rich in lactucarium, a nutrient that may help you feel more relaxed and sleepy. Steep a few leaves in hot water (with a little milk and honey, of course!) for a calming evening tea.



If you’re not into meat, tofu is another protein source that can promote healthy sleep. It also contains high amounts of calcium and isoflavones, which can help increase serotonin levels.


Dark Chocolate

Finally, a midnight snack we actually want to eat! Dark chocolate contains magnesium, so it can help boost your sleep. Just don’t go too crazy with your snacking—dark chocolate does also contain some caffeine, and you don’t want to wake yourself up while you’re enjoying your tasty treat!

dark chocolate

The Key To Great Sleep Might Be in Your Pantry

If you struggle to sleep, try a few sleep-promoting foods before bed to support your body’s natural wind-down cycle and help you rest deeply all night long. Just remember to stay away from foods and habits that will keep you up, like caffeine, blue light, and stress.

7 Foods to Eat to Help Reduce Anxiety

reduce anxiety

Anxiety is a very common condition that affects millions of people. The symptoms can include fear or worry, problems concentrating, increased heart rate, irritability, and muscle tension – and they can have a major effect on people’s lives. 


There are various lifestyle changes that can help to manage anxiety. But diet can also make a difference, and there are some types of foods that can improve the symptoms. 


Here are 7 foods to reduce anxiety: 

1. Dark chocolate 

The first food on our list is dark chocolate when it has at least 70% cocoa.  Studies have shown that it could reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety.


Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the brain. It also has a high tryptophan content, which can boost serotonin in the brain. 

dark chocolate

2. Yogurt 

Another great food for anxiety is yogurt. The probiotics found in many yogurts are known to improve gut health, as well as other aspects of your wellbeing – like mental health. 


In addition to this, probiotic yogurts can promote healthy brain function by increasing the production of serotonin and other mood-boosting neurotransmitters. 


3. Salmon 

If you want less anxiety, salmon has many benefits as it contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and DHA, which can help to balance serotonin and dopamine in the brain. 


Adding salmon to your diet two to three days a week can have a calming effect and help you stay relaxed – and it’s also really good for your physical health!


4. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are another brilliant choice for reducing the symptoms of anxiety. They are rich in potassium, which helps to manage blood pressure and may reduce stress. 


They also contain high levels of the mineral zinc, which is essential for a healthy brain as it supports nerve function and this can help regulate your emotions.

pumpkin seeds

5. Brazil nuts 

Some studies show that brazil nuts can also improve your mood and reduce anxiety as they are a source of selenium, which plays a key role in reducing inflammation. 


Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant that can prevent cell damage in the body. Eating two to three brazil nuts a day is enough to have the desired effect. 

brazil nuts

6. Turmeric 

As well as being found in salmon, DHA is also found in high levels in the spice turmeric. This makes turmeric an amazing choice for preventing anxiety and keeping your brain healthy. 


Because DHA has anti-inflammatory properties, it can prevent damage to brain cells. You can also boost the absorption by combining turmeric with black pepper when using it. 


7. Chamomile 

Last but not least, chamomile is well-known for its soothing effects. It’s used all around the world as a herbal remedy for its anti-anxiety properties, along with other health benefits. 


Chamomile tea is a safe way to manage anxiety, and it can help to reduce the symptoms. It also tastes great and comes in a variety of doses.


7 Tips to Beat Unhealthy Food Cravings

unhealthy food cravings

Food cravings are the enemy of anyone trying to follow a healthy eating plan. They’re the most common reason diets fail and people struggle to lose weight. 

It can be incredibly hard to fight against unhealthy food and sugar cravings. So, here are some tips to help you avoid them in the future: 

1. Drink more water 

People often confuse being thirsty with being hungry or craving food. Next time you feel the urge to snack, try drinking a large glass of water then wait a few minutes. 

If you’re actually just thirsty, the craving will quickly fade away. It can also serve as a distraction, especially if you add some lemon, cucumber, or lime to it for extra taste. 

2. Avoid skipping meals 

Skipping meals is a common tactic for dieters. But, it can also make it so much harder to fight food cravings, and eating regular healthy meals can reduce temptation. 

The best way to stay healthy is to create a healthy meal plan each week and stick to it. Start planning nutritious meals with healthy snacks in between if needed. 

3. Get enough sleep 

Do you get the right amount of sleep every night? If not, it could be causing poor appetite regulation and this can mean stronger cravings for sugary foods. 

Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night can make you feel less hungry and dramatically reduce the need for high energy foods to get through the day. 

4. Know your trigger foods 

It’s much easier to manage cravings when you know what your trigger foods are so you can avoid them. Some common culprits include cakes, doughnuts, ice cream, crisps, and chocolate. 

If you know which foods you crave the most, make sure you avoid buying them and don’t keep loads of them in the house. That way, you’ll have to eat a healthier alternative instead. 

5. Eat a balanced diet 

Balanced meals should include whole grain carbs and lean protein, as this will keep you fuller for longer and reduce the risk of sugar dips which can lead to junk food cravings. 

You should also include a variety of fruits and vegetables. This will help you get all the vitamins you need, which will keep your energy levels high during the day. 

6. Go for a walk 

Finding ways to distract yourself will help massively when it comes to staving off cravings. One way to do this is by going for a walk – which has many additional health benefits, too. 

Physical activity is also known to reduce stress, which can contribute to cravings. Just 30 minutes walking outside in the fresh air can make a huge difference! 

7. Pick healthier snacks 

If you’re prone to snacking and are finding it hard to stop, another option is to choose healthier snacks. This can satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet. 

Some options include fresh berries, a fruit smoothie, or peanut butter on whole grain toast. These snacks will keep you full for longer and have more nutritional value.

20 Best Foods for Hair Growth

hair growth

  1. Eggs

  2. Berries

  3. Fatty fish

  4. Avocados

  5. Nuts

  6. Shrimps

  7. Cruciferous vegetables

  8. Pumpkin seeds

  9. Seaweed

  10. Greek yogurt

  11. Spinach

  12. Guava

  13. Iron-fortified cereal

  14. Almond butter

  15. Citrus fruits

  16. Spirulina

  17. Kiwi

  18. Asparagus

  19. Carrots

  20. Oysters

30 Best Anti-Aging Foods

anti aging foods

  1. Extra-virgin olive oil

  2. Tomatoes

  3. Soy

  4. Wild salmon

  5. Mango

  6. Cinnamon

  7. Spinach

  8. Eggs

  9. Blueberry

  10. Green Tea

  11. Apples

  12. Cheese

  13. Broccoli

  14. Nuts

  15. Avocado

  16. Dark chocolate

  17. Pears

  18. Watermelon

  19. Pomegranate

  20. Sesame seeds

  21. Fortified plant-based milk

  22. Oranges

  23. Sweet potato

  24. Oatmeal

  25. Red bell pepper

  26. Papaya

  27. Prunes

  28. Oysters

  29. Carrots

  30. Bone broth

Best & Worst Foods for Brain Health

foods for brain

It’s important to keep your brain healthy as you age, and the best way to do this is by changing your diet. The foods you choose can harm or protect your brain health over time. 


Here are the best and worst foods for keeping your brain healthy. 

The worst foods for brain health 

1. Artificial trans fats 

Trans fats are found naturally in meat and dairy. But, artificial versions, which are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, can have a detrimental effect on the brain. 


Artificial trans fats are in a range of products, including snacks and prepackaged cakes and cookies. Studies show that people that eat a high amount of these foods are more likely to suffer from early cognitive decline and memory issues. 

artificial trans fats

2. Sugary drinks 

It’s well known that eating or drinking a lot of sugar is bad for your health. Drinks like soda, energy drinks, sports drinks, and even fruit juice, can also have a negative effect on your brain. 


Studies show it could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, as fructose or artificial sugars increase your blood pressure and cause insulin resistance, which affects your brain function and memory over time. 

sugary drinks

3. Refined carbs 

Refined carbs are also bad for your brain health, as they contain high levels of sugar and processed grains. They cause a spike in blood pressure, insulin, and blood sugar levels. 


This means that, if consumed excessively, refined carbs can affect your brain function and some aspects of memory function, like responsiveness.

4. Aspartame 

Aspartame is used in many sugar-free products as an artificial sweetener. However, it contains a substance called phenylalanine that has been linked to a number of cognitive problems including learning difficulties, depression, and anxiety. 


When consumed excessively, it could lead to worse mental performance and, in the long-term, it could even increase the risk of stroke or dementia. 

The best foods for brain health 

Fatty fish 

Fatty fish is one of the best foods for brain health. Fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids, which your body uses to build and repair nerve cells in the brain. 


This makes it a great food for boosting your memory and cognitive abilities. It can also prevent learning difficulties, age-related mental decline, and mental health problems like depression. 

Pumpkin seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, iron, copper, and magnesium, which all play an important role in healthy brain function and preventing neurological conditions. 


When added to your diet, you can reap the benefits of these nutrients, which are needed for overall brain health. 


If you love coffee, you’ll be happy to hear that caffeine could support brain health. It has a number of positive effects, including boosted mood and sharpened concentration.


Scientists have also found that drinking coffee every day could reduce the risk of developing neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 


Dark chocolate

Another food that can benefit your brain is dark chocolate. It has high levels of flavonoids and antioxidants, which enhance your memory and boost your mood. 


The benefits increase with chocolate that has a higher cocoa content. Dark chocolate contains more cocoa, so the benefits aren’t seen with regular milk chocolate.

dark chocolate

How to Stop Eating Junk Food

stop junk food

It can be hard to stop eating junk food. Even if you’re trying to eat healthily, sugar cravings are common and it can be hard to resist fatty or sweet foods. 


If you’re finding it hard not to give in to cravings, here are some tips to get them under control: 

1. Plan your meals in advance 

One way to remove the temptation to snack on junk food is to plan out your meals ahead of time to avoid unnecessary snacking or spontaneous unhealthy meals. 


When you already have healthy meals and snacks planned out, you’re much less likely to reach for the sweets or order takeout for a meal.


Each week, aim to plan out all your meals in advance, including sacks. Then, prepare everything you can and make sure you stick to what you’ve chosen.  

plan meals

2. Eat more lean protein 

Eating protein can make you feel fuller for longer. Unlike processed food and carbs, protein takes a long time to be digestive, which can help you feel fuller for longer. 


Wherever possible, opt for healthier proteins, like fish, poultry, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, or lean cuts of red meat, as these are rich in nutrients and low in fat.

eat lean protein

3. Choose healthier snacks 

If you’re prone to snacking during the day, try replacing those snacks with healthier alternatives. This is a great tactic if you can’t avoid reaching for the snacks altogether. 


One option is fruit, which still contains some sugar, but is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and has higher water and fiber content, which balances your blood sugar. 


Unlike foods that are high in processed sugar like cakes or chocolate, eating fruit can satisfy your cravings but won’t cause a huge sugar crash later in the day.

healthy snacks

4. Find ways to manage stress 

Sometimes, eating too much junk food is related to stress or other emotions, and this can make it harder to stop until you find other ways to manage it. 


Think about how you use eating to deal with feelings, and then find ways to distract yourself and replace it with another activity, like going for a walk, meditating, or doing something creative. 


Keep experimenting with different techniques until you find the one that works best for you. And, if it still isn’t improving, speak to your doctor or a healthcare provider to get other support. 

manage stress

5. Avoid junk food sections in shops 

When you’re shopping, you can avoid being tempted to buy junk food and unhealthy snacks by only shopping in the produce, meat, dairy, and fish sections. 


If you only buy whole foods without loads of additives, your body will get used to the taste of fresh fruits, vegetables, grain, and proteins, and your cravings will start to diminish over time.

avoid junk food sections

Ways To Support Your Immune Strength

immune strength

A strong immune system can help you stay healthy and fight off infections and viruses, which is particularly important during the winter months. 


Here are five ways to boost your immune strength: 

1. Eat a healthy diet 

Having a healthy diet is key to building and maintaining a strong immune system. Your body needs the right amount of nutrients to function, and you should aim to eat a diet that’s balanced and that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. 


In addition to this, you should also make sure you’re getting enough of certain nutrients. You can also consider taking a supplement in some of them if you can’t get them from food. 


Some of the most important nutrients for your immune system are: 

  • Vitamin C – sources include citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach 

  • Vitamin E – found in sunflower seeds, peanut butter, spinach, and peanut butter

  • Vitamin D – this is mostly produced by exposure to sunlight. Other sources include oily fish, egg yolks, red meat,  fortified foods like cereals, and supplements. 

  • Vitamin B6 – sources include chicken, tuna, salmon, bananas, and green vegetables.

  • Zinc – found in meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, and whole grains.  

healthy diet

2. Drink enough water 

As well as eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated can also make a big difference to your overall health, including supporting your immune system and fighting off infections and viruses. 


It’s being hydrated slows your immune system down. Even if you’re not exercising, your body is always losing water, and you should make sure your daily fluid intake is enough to replace this throughout the day. You should aim for at least two liters every day to stay healthy.

3. Manage your stress

Studies show that stress can have a huge effect on how well the immune system works. During periods of stress, our bodies suppress our immune function as part of our natural response. 


This affects people suffering from chronic stress over long periods even more, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress like meditation, breathing exercises, or other methods.

4. Make sure you exercise 

Not only is exercise great for managing stress and feeling happier, but it’s also fantastic for supporting your physical health and keeping your immune system healthy. 


Exercise boosts your circulation, and this makes it easier for your immune cells to function. Even just 30 minutes a day of exercise could help your immune system. Whether it’s walking, swimming, jogging, team sports, or something else, make sure you work it into your routine!

5. Get enough sleep 

Sleep is when our bodies rest and recover. It’s also when the cells that fight infections are created. This means that it’s important to get plenty of sleep each night to stay healthy. 


People that don’t get enough quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to viruses, and it tends to take them longer to recover. 


If you’re not getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night, it’s time to change your routine to get a better night’s sleep and allow your immune system to get stronger.

Superfoods for Clear & Glowing Skin

superfoods for skin

Who doesn’t want perfect skin? Having a clear, glowing complexion is about more than just buying expensive skin products. When it comes to your skin, what you eat has a direct impact and you need to choose the best food for your skin. 


Having a bad diet can make problems like dullness, acne, dryness, and oiliness worse. And eating a diet rich in certain foods can also promote optimal skin health. 


Here are some superfoods to add to your diet for better skin: 


Dark chocolate 

If you love chocolate, you’re in luck – dark chocolate is great for your skin! 


Chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is really high in antioxidants, meaning it can improve blood flow and skin texture, and it can make your skin more hydrated and less sensitive. 


Try and choose a chocolate with at least 70% cocoa to get the maximum benefits. 

dark chocolate


Fatty fish like salmon is amazing for your skin. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that help to produce collagen, which is essential for keeping the skin strong and preventing wrinkles. 


Salmon is also rich in zinc and vitamin E, which are both needed for healthy skin.



Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are amazing for your skin. They’re high in zinc, which reduces inflammation, and also in vitamin K which improves blood flow. 


In particular, spinach is one of the best as it also contains zeaxanthin which is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin and helps you get a more even skin tone.



Another superfood for your skin is avocado. Because avocados are rich in healthy fats, they’re great for keeping your skin hydrated, supple, and healthy. 


They’re also packed with vitamin c, e, and zinc, which are all essential for repairing skin cells.


Sweet potatoes 

Sweet potatoes are another awesome vegetable to eat if you want perfect skin, as they contain beta carotene, which helps the skin repair itself from damage from the sun and pollution. 


They are also a good source of vitamin A, which is known to reduce oil production to treat acne, as well as being an antioxidant that can neutralize any free radical damage to collagen.

sweet potatoes

Citrus fruits

Eating citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, limes, or lemons is a fantastic way to give your skin a boost. 


Vitamin C is well known for its health benefits, but it also has benefits for the kin like making your complexion more even, brightening dark spots, and calming skin inflammation.

citrus fruits


You might have noticed that loads of beauty gurus are now recommending turmeric face masks. 


And there’s a reason for it – turmeric contains curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and can really brighten up your skin. 


As well as working as a topical treatment, adding turmeric to your food can also help your skin by improving firmness and elasticity and preventing wrinkles.
